Attract and Welcome International Students
Build your Recruitment Strategy with IIE Research and Insights
Use IIE’s data analysis and expert insights to inform your international student outreach and recruitment strategy. IIE’s researchers prepare customized data reports and analysis on international student mobility by geography, institution type, and target market profile. IIE’s outreach experts present qualitative insights on the local education landscape and effective methodologies to attract talented, globally mobile students from around the world.
Recruit with IIE’s Outreach Services
Leverage IIE’s strong global presence and expertise in tailored local outreach and recruitment to reach your international student enrollment goals. We will work with you to develop and implement a customized plan that advances your brand recognition in target markets, facilitate connections with key stakeholders, reach target audiences worldwide, attract talented students, and cultivate strong applicants to prestigious international scholarship and academic programs.
Promote IIE-managed Scholarships to Your International Students and Prospects
IIE implements many of the world’s most effective and prestigious scholarship programs sponsored by the U.S. government, corporations, foundations, and foreign governments that advance access to international higher education for students worldwide. Browse Scholarship Programs for international students at your campus.