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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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Join the Movement: Help Your University Build Inclusive Admission Practices


Higher education institutions can play a key role in providing these desperately needed opportunities to help the most vulnerable youth continue their education. But what does it really mean when we say colleges and universities can play a key role in this endeavor? IIE PEER and AACRAO explored this and other questions during their Best Practices in Admitting Displaced ad Vulnerable Student Populations on U.S. Campuses workshop last month.

International Education Week 2018


International Education Week is November 12 – 16, 2018. Follow @IIEglobal and #IIECelebratesIEW2018 to learn more about our work to promote and to advance Access & Equity, Student Mobility, Higher Education in Emergencies, International Partnerships, and Scholars as Drivers of Innovation.

New Kid on Campus: Make Way for the International Partnership Manager


Clare Overmann, Director of Higher Education Initiatives at IIE, explores the emerging role of the international partnership manager at colleges and universities. As higher education institutions continue to realize how important this role is, the international education community needs to share experiences and good practices, provide trainings and workshops, and work together to clearly define this nascent role.

Forging Ahead into the Future Of International Education


Celebrating our collective achievements in the field and looking ahead to the future this International Education Week

Support IIE this Giving Tuesday with #OneWordIIE


Support IIE this Giving Tuesday with #OneWordIIE! We’re raising money to send more U.S. students to study abroad!

It’s All About “Being There” – the Case for Personal Connection in a Digital World


Grant McPherson, Chief Executive of Education New Zealand, discusses the importance of personal connection in an increasingly tech-focused world.

A Seat at the Table: Including Indigenous People in Biocultural Exchange


Jeremy Coats, Foundation Programs lead, discusses the importance of including more indigenous people in biocultural exchange with Diana Hernández Hernández, an English teacher from Oaxaca, Mexico, who attended a Textile Arts conference in Peru through IIE’s Indigenous Biocultural Exchange Fund (IBEX).

Bridging the Gap for Women in STEM and Business in Egypt


USAID’s U.S.-Egypt Higher Education Initiative (HEI) is leveling the playing field for Egyptian women studying business and STEM. IIE shares success stories from the HEI STEM and MBA Scholarship for Women.

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