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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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IIE Celebrates International Day of Education


IIE is honored to join in the annual commemoration of International Day of Education. It was created by the United Nations in 2018 to reinforce education as a key factor in building sustainable and resilient societies, and contributing to the achievement of all other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our vision is a more peaceful and equitable […]

The Time is Now: India’s Rapidly Rising Role in International Education


In February, IIE Will Lead a Delegation to India for U.S. Higher Education Leaders The data is in — Indian students and scholars are on the move globally. Last year, nearly 300,000 Indian college and graduate students came to the United States to pursue higher education, an all-time high for the world’s fifth-largest economy and now […]

International Education Week 2023


International Education Week,  November 13-17, begins in one week! IIE is thrilled to share more about our participation in and celebration of this important event. This year, we are proclaiming that International Education is For All! to emphasize the need to recommit to and accelerate our collective efforts to advance international education. To achieve bold […]

Ukraine One Year Later: A Call For Continued Support for Students, Scholars, and Artists


Since Russia invaded Ukraine one year ago, individuals, organizations, and nations have responded generously to provide humanitarian aid to the tens of millions of displaced Ukrainians facing frightening, uncertain futures. Tragically, the brutal conflict has added to the already historic number of refugees struggling with similar fates around the world. The World Bank now predicts […]

Study Abroad, Experiential Learning, and Skills Development – Creating the Global Mindset That Will Take You Far


On Study Abroad Day 2023, we recognize the importance of intercultural exchange more than ever. As the first private institution facilitating international exchanges, IIE’s mission and vision is firmly entrenched in the support and continuation of study abroad initiatives. Study abroad benefits not only the individual, but also governments, local communities, and employers. In fact, […]

Buildings Can Be Destroyed; Knowledge—and the Human Spirit—Cannot


IIE Continues to Support Ukrainian Students, Scholars, and Artists Two Years After Russia’s Invasion Access to education enables all of us to build a life of our own choosing—a life aligned with our personal values that is safe and secure and empowers each of us to explore and live out our potential. Pursuing knowledge is […]

Letter from London: The “Brexit” and Academic Mobility


As special as the US-UK relationship is, I learned that in some quarters there are very special things happening at the forefront of science, medicine, and teaching that makes Europe special too.

Teach One, Reach All: The Multiplier Impact of Educating Girls and Women


Despite overall progress at the global level, persistent education gaps and challenges remain in many developing countries. As you read this, there are still 62 million girls out of school globally.

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