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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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World Refugee Day 2024


Q&A with Leaders of IIE’s Crisis Response Initiatives On World Refugee Day, we pay tribute to the strength, resilience, and potential of those who have fled their homes in search of stability and safety from conflict, persecution, and climate impacts. In response to the global refugee crisis, we have issued more than 2,300 scholarships, fellowships, […]

IIE Celebrates Pride Month 2024


IIE celebrates the experiences and perspectives the LGBTQIA+ community brings to international education. We believe that everyone has a right to accessible educational opportunities in a welcoming setting. The first Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Pride (LGBTQ+) march dates to June 28, 1970, when members of New York City’s LGBTQ+ community led a one-year […]

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