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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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Meet the International Team that Powers the Annual Cargill Global Leadership Seminar


Tracy Waldman, from IIE’s Corporate Programs team, walks us through how IIE’s global team works together to execute some of the world’s most prestigious and exciting corporate scholarship programs.

IIE Tips to Welcome International Students


IIE’s team of experts put together a list of 11 actions to take this month to encourage international students to make the U.S. their first choice

Pushing Boundaries to Realize My Fulbright Dream


2017-2018 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant Darriel McBride reflects on the journey that brought her to South Africa.

Investing in Women Throughout the Years


Celebrating Women’s History Month With a Retrospective IIE joins the world in its celebrations of International Women’s Day and  Women’s History Month in the United States.  The global community has made significant strides in gender equity, especially in higher education and employment. Yet many challenges endure; the pay gap, on average, persists and gender-based violence […]

Unlocking Opportunities for Institutional Engagement with India


Four Reasons Why U.S. and Indian Higher Education Institutions Should Partner I was privileged to help lead  IIE’s delegation of U.S. university leaders to India, facilitating discussions with representatives from more than 60 Indian institutions; visiting key academic hubs in Delhi, Hyderabad, and Mumbai; and exploring opportunities for student and scholar exchange, collaborative research, and […]

International Educational Exchange: An Antidote to Rising Isolationism


Exchange Alumni Are The World’s Best Ambassadors for Cross-Cultural Understanding In 2024, more than seventy elections will take place in countries that are home to 4.2 billion people—more than half the global population. Elections can have a wide range of political, social, and economic effects, leading to significant policy shifts that will shape our future. […]

We Need a National Strategy


With the winter holiday season upon us, many of us will find ourselves at gatherings with friends and family. What will you talk about? If I may, here is a suggestion: ask your friends and relatives to name the top exports from the United States of America. You may hear answers such as airplanes, financial […]

Celebrating a Year in Expanding Access and Equity


A year ago, IIE launched the Center for Access and Equity to build upon our 100+ years mission of increasing international higher education opportunities for all. It’s an ambitious but valuable goal; one that we are continuing to strive to achieve daily. Data continues to show that while progress has been made, there is more […]

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