Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries throughout the world.
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What is Next for New York University Abu Dhabi’s First Class?
Recently, it was my privilege to join IIE colleagues Mark Lazar and Daria Housman to attend the graduation of New York University Abu Dhabi’s first class.
IIE’s Global Teacher Programs Team is #generationstudyabroad
Our team has great commitment to the important mission of international education, in-depth understanding of global primary and secondary education, and most importantly, incredible passion for the professional development of K-12 educators
How Your Gifts to IIE are Having an Impact Around the World
I would like to highlight the ways in which your contributions—in the form of unrestricted gifts—are directly helping students and scholars in danger, increasing access to education and training for women and girls, and providing more American students with opportunities to study around the world.
Letter from Israel
A team of us spent part of last week in Jerusalem to present the 10th IIE Victor J. Goldberg Prize for Peace in the Middle East. You can read about this year’s winners.
Conferencing in Cuba: A First Step Towards Increasing U.S.-Cuba Higher Education Partnerships
IIE was in Havana for the Congreso Universidad 2014 conference, a bi-annual event hosted by the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education (MES), which attracts several thousand higher education representatives—mainly from around Latin America and the Caribbean—to discuss pressing issues related to higher education.
About Those Brands
A quick read of today’s China Daily makes it clear just how important education and access to foreign universities appears to be.
A Tale of Three Cities
Beijing, Taipei, and Hong Kong have over 100 universities. Five of them are in the top 100 in the world rankings: Peking and Tsinghua universities, National Taiwan University, and The University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology range in ranking between 36th and 60th.
The Power of Women’s Education
I had the great privilege to participate in the panel From Higher Education to Women’s Leadership convened by the Open a Door Foundation during the 58th Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) at the United Nations. the Panel discussed the impact of higher education for women on solving problems such as poverty and disease.