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HER Participant Results from the Ethiopian National Exam


The HER girls recently received their scores for the Ethiopian National Exam. This exam is taken by all 10th grade Ethiopians and their numerical score determines whether they move forward to the 11th grade in high school, move to a vocational school or stop going to school and enter the workplace.

5 Programs that Inspire Innovation and Entrepreneurship Around the World


What if there was a global movement to inspire people everywhere to unleash their ideas and take the next step in their entrepreneurial journey? That question sparked the launch of Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) five years ago. This week, as 138 countries celebrate, the Institute takes a look at what we have been doing to generate innovation and entrepreneurship around the globe

How Are We Doing? The Role of Evaluation in IIE’s Programs


Like many nonprofits that have an international reach and run several large and varying programs, IIE faces the everyday challenge of how best to assess the effectiveness and impact of its work. Our program evaluation services, offered through IIE’s Center of Academic Mobility Research, have grown rapidly in response to this need! Our evaluation team at the Center has extensive experience in all levels of a program evaluation, from measuring program outputs and outcomes to longer-term studies to identify participant and community impacts over time.

Developing International Relations Offices in Myanmar


In September, IIE announced that it is launching a new course designed to train Ministry officials and university representatives in Myanmar on how to create and manage an effective international education office. The new course, Connecting to the World: International Relations for Higher Education Institutions, will be an essential step to enable universities in Myanmar to connect with institutions in the United States and other countries so that they can build institutional capacity and prepare their students to meet current workforce needs and support rapid economic development.

Is Study Abroad Essential?


As we continue to live in an increasingly globalized world, cross-cultural competence has become an essential skill for succeeding in the global marketplace. Studying abroad is a great way for students to expand their horizons and can open up a world of personal and professional opportunities that will enable those who have the opportunity to study abroad to become effective global citizens. However, some believe that the merits gained from studying abroad aren’t worth the time or cost.

Women Leading Solutions to Global Problems: A View from CGI 2013 Annual Meeting


At CGI this year, Secretary Hillary Clinton endorsed IIE’s new commitment – WeTech (Women Enhancing Technology). WeTech, led by Institute of International Education, was designed in conjunction with fantastic Lead Partners Google, Qualcomm Wireless Reach™, and Partners Citrix, Goldman Sachs, and Goldman Sachs Gives at the recommendation of Jane and Michael Chwick, Intel, Juniper Networks, and McKinsey & Company.

Advancing Education for the Workforce: A New Partnership Between IIE and Alcoa


Are we preparing today’s youth to be successful in the workplace? I think that is a question that we as educators should be constantly asking ourselves. Getting a good (and hopefully international) education is not enough. We need to make sure that today’s youth are getting the skills and experience to create their own futures and be successful globally. This is one of the reasons I am so proud that IIE is partnering with the Alcoa Foundation to manage their 125th anniversary initiative to support internships for youth from around the Globe.

What’s New With the IIE HER Program: Summer Leadership and Skills Building


This summer has been a busy but exciting one for the girls in IIE’s Higher Education Readiness (HER) program. IIE has focused on working with the girls on leadership and life skills development and English language training.

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