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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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A Rare & Critical Moment


Making the case for increasing international student enrollment in United States higher education As we prepare for the first full academic year since the end of the pandemic, consider this a rare and critical opportunity. Now is the time to collectively reassert the value of gaining an education in the United States and to mobilize […]

Two Years Of Supporting Afghan Scholars, Students, and Artists


In the two years since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, IIE and our global network partners have been working to ensure the safety and welfare of students, scholars, and artists threatened by the political shift. Here are profiles of individuals who our programs have supported. Two years ago, Elja was working at the Afghan […]

Action in the Face of Uncertainty: 500 Emerging Leaders and Two Years Since the Fall of Kabul 


Two years after insurgents captured the city of Kabul, it is apparent that the ruling regime is not, as many had hoped, a kinder, gentler Taliban. From the rollback on everyday freedoms to restrictions on access to education, marginalized communities including, but not limited to, women and girls, continue to bear the brunt of repressive […]

“So That Students Can See Themselves:” NAFSA RISE Fellowship Aims to Diversify the Profession Itself  


This summer, NAFSA: Association of International Educators received the inaugural IIE Center for Access and Equity Empower Award in recognition of the association’s outstanding diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) programming. While IIE and NAFSA have collaborated for many years, the award comes with a new ambition: to mark a bold new chapter of concerted […]

Addressing Global Knowledge Inequity in International Education


Addressing Global Knowledge Inequity in International Education: Introducing #TheSouthAlsoKnows Knowledge from the Global South is vastly under-represented in research and debates on education and development. NORRAG’s initiative aims to contribute to reversing the North-to-South flow of expertise and decision making. NORRAG is a global network of 5,500 members in 179 countries focused on international policies […]

Finding Strength in Solidarity


Notre Dame International’s “Standing in Solidarity with Ukrainian Catholic University” received a 2023 Heiskell Award for Strategic Partnerships. When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, my colleagues and I at Notre Dame International (NDI) sprung to action. Notre Dame had been deeply engaged with Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) for more than 20 years, but […]

The Long Game


Making the case for increasing international student enrollment in United States higher education  In 2005, two scientists, Dr. Drew Weissman and Dr. Katalin Karikó, published groundbreaking research about messenger RNA. It received little attention at the time, but more than fifteen years later, it led to the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines. And this month, […]

Global Diversity: At The Heart of International Education


For more than 100 years, IIE has served as a champion of students, scholars, artists, and professionals from around the world seeking to further their research and education. As such, diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) have always been key to our organizational approach. IIE’s mission can only be achieved by embracing all of the […]

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