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Delegates Explore U.S. Community College Model as Answer to India’s Youth Bulge


Through a grant from the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, eight dedicated university presidents, rectors, and deans visited the United States for a seven-day, coast-to-coast survey of the extensive and diverse U.S. Community College system.

Idea 1: redefine, rebrand and modernize the concept of “study abroad”


“Study abroad” does not reflect the breadth of study abroad options that have evolved over the years; it is outdated and needs to be changed to reflect the new reality of “study abroad.”

Idea 10: make “global” locally relevant to parents, communities and businesses


“All politics are local.” A grassroots approach is necessary to convincing parents, communities and businesses that study abroad matters on a personal level, to the community and will have an impact on business.

Idea 11: don’t be afraid to consider radical ideas


This category of the IIE Blog comprises the entire IIE Green Paper, “What Will it Take to Double Study Abroad?” separated into a list of blog entries. We invite you to add to the discussion by commenting on one or more of the 11 Big Ideas.

Idea 2: engage accrediting bodies to have them include global competencies in their rubrics


The theory is that if “international” is a box that institutions have to check, or a question that they have to address, as they seek accreditation, then it will naturally get the attention of senior level administrators and faculty.

Idea 3: reframe the problem as a K-20 issue and address it at all levels


In order to make study abroad an essential part of what it means to be educated, student and family expectations must be addressed at a much younger age. Teachers are key influencers who can help students understand the importance of global awareness early on, and inspire them to be curious about and engaged in the world.

Idea 4: use research strategically and more practically


There is a wide range of research available, but validity and quality of the data vary, and the research is often conducted by and for the benefit of the international education community alone. It is important to highlight the most substantive, valid data, and to look for holes in the data that can be plugged with further research.

Idea 5: engage the foreign language learning community as an ally and partner


Foreign language teachers, associations, organizations and other parent groups that support language learning are natural allies. Many have established networks and are strong advocates for global awareness, international experience and study abroad.

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