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International Education in the News: 19 Article Picks


International students are coming to the United States in greater numbers, and they are going to more U.S. universities in more U.S. states. More than 1,000 news reports across the country and around the world announced the latest statistics and trends.

Letter From WISE—International Education Supporting Crises Worldwide


The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) is the annual Davos for educators that the Institute helped to create in 2009 for the Qatar Foundation. Each year over a thousand educators, corporate leaders, and government officials attend to discuss how we can make what we do better.

Overcoming Obstacles to Study Abroad: The Fourth “C”


This year’s CIEE annual conference addressed the three Cs that are making it hard for our students to study abroad: Cost, Curriculum, and Culture. It was my privilege to speak at the luncheon, which was then devoted to working groups to come up with ideas on how to reduce obstacles in each area.

Idea 6: secure buy-in from the top of institutions in order to mandate change


In order for institutions to change, there must be both a top-down and bottom-up approach. Trustees, Boards and the Office of the President must work to convey that study abroad needs to move from the periphery to the mainstream on campuses, and they must follow through on their statements to ensure implementation throughout.

Idea 7: fix the broken systems on campuses that unnecessarily hinder study abroad


Financial aid, scholarships and the process of applying for study abroad are broken at worst and convoluted at best at many campuses.

Idea 9: develop creative partnerships with the private sector to raise funds, increase public awareness and link study abroad to careers


Rather than simply looking at the private sector for money, explore ways to involve a diverse group with the campaign. Look for ways to promote the private sector and involve it and its leadership as outspoken advocates for study abroad.

Letter from Going Global 2014


This year’s education summit organized by the British Council convened in Miami earlier this week. Miami is as affordable and as international as a conference planner might find these days, and one that allowed the Council to reach out to colleagues and partners in the Americas.

Idea 8: provide incentives to all stakeholders who stand to gain by expanding study abroad


Rather than simply looking at the private sector for money, explore ways to involve a diverse group with the campaign. Look for ways to promote the private sector and involve it and its leadership as outspoken advocates for study abroad.

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