Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries throughout the world.
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A World Transformed
IIE continues to see concrete reasons to be optimistic about International Education. Allan Goodman shares his thoughts.
Oh, The Places You’ll Go! Risk, Uncertainty, and the Future of Global Education
In 2020 we have seen a pandemic, the suspension of travel, and disruptions to education that were once unthinkable. But what has happened to opportunities for global learning? What is on the horizon for the field of study abroad? The Asia Institute Chairman and CEO Bradley A Feuling shares results of recent surveys on the future of international study abroad.
IIE Supports Global Outreach for World’s First Artificial Intelligence Focused University
IIE acts as a partner for global recruitment and outreach for the first class of students at the innovative Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI). The university is the first graduate-level, research-based university dedicated solely to emerging technology in the fields of artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, and natural language processing.
International Women’s Month: USAID Programs at IIE
The Institute of International Education (IIE) ends this month as we began, celebrating international women and the work we are privileged to do with them. We are honored to partner with the United States government to promote international women’s education and related opportunities. Through the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID), IIE implements programs around the world that promote women’s access to education, research, and the workforce.
IIE Celebrates International Women’s Day
Join IIE as we celebrate International Women’s Day by exploring our programs that empower and educate women and girls around the world.
Five Bahamian Students from Savannah State University Hope to Inspire Future Generations
Hurricane Dorian left many Bahamian students without financial resources to dedicate to their education as families had to use all resources to rebuild. Five recipients of IIE Bahamas Emergency Student Fund grants describe how they’ll use their experience to inspire future Bahamian students to pursue higher education in the U.S.
Innovation in Agroeconomy Grows More than Just Crops
Edouard Tiendrebeogo, Agroeconomist, shares his year as an awardee of the IIE New Leaders Award for Mutual Understanding. He founded the Bagrépôle Food Cold Hub Project as a way for farmers to keep their vegetable products fresh until prices on the market are good enough for them to sell.
Building the New Libya through International Education
I’m well aware that beyond international education circles, the Institute of International Education is not exactly a household name. So you can imagine my surprise when, on my first trip to Libya in 2006, I met numerous people who were intimately familiar with IIE.