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IIE manages more than 200 programs with participants from more than 180 countries. In the last year alone, more than 29,000 people participated in IIE managed programs. Use our program finder to explore opportunities.

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Connecting Countries by Leading Research: Lessons Learned from the Global Innovation Initiative


The Global Innovation Initiative (GII), a four-year grant program enabling U.S. and UK researchers to work closely with their peers in Brazil, China, India, and Indonesia beginning in 2014, supported 37 multilateral research collaborations, 21 of which were UK-led. The resulting partnerships focused on pressing global challenges such as the environment, food security, health, and urban development. Read on to learn about best practices in research collaboration across borders.

Embracing the Future, Despite the Uncertainties


Vivek Mansukhani, Head of IIE India, ponders the future of the world of work and the role that higher education will play in preparing young people for a rapidly changing economy.

A Man Called John


Dr. Allan E. Goodman, President and CEO of IIE, shares his thoughts on the life and times of the late Senator John McCain.

Education Matters


The world faces the greatest refugee crisis it has ever seen. According to the latest United Nations Refugee Agency Report, more than 68 million people have been forcibly displaced globally. Hear directly from professors and students about why it is essential that students impacted by the crisis have a chance to continue their studies.

IIE Scholar Rescue Fund’s Growing Effort to Support Yemeni Scholars


Prior to the civil war in Yemen, only three Yemeni received IIE-SRF fellowships. Yemen is now the source of the 5th most IIE-SRF grantees.

2020 PIEoneer Awards honors IIE PEER Bridge Scholarship Initiative


The IIE PEER program recently honored by The PIE is changing lives of displaced youth in Myanmar.

Assessing Long-Term Impact: USAID Scholarship Programs


A recent, independent IIE study assesses the long-term impact of United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded programs that provided scholarships for individuals to study for academic degree programs at U.S. universities.

A World Transformed


IIE continues to see concrete reasons to be optimistic about International Education. Allan Goodman shares his thoughts.

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