Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides a year of professional enrichment in the United States for experienced professionals from designated countries throughout the world.
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What Do International High School Students Mean for U.S. Higher Education? Six Key Takeaways
The presence of diploma-seeking international students in high schools is beginning to shift the landscape of international student recruitment for U.S. colleges and universities.
Asia’s Stake in 21st-Century Higher Education
In most higher education discourse today it is not unusual to hear the claim that the world’s center of gravity is shifting toward the East. Indeed, no region has undergone as profound a transformation as Asia during the past half-century, from the 1970s to the present.
Letter From San Bernardino
On Friday Dr. Allan Goodman visited the Cal State University campus in San Bernardino (CSUSB. The university president, Dr. Tomas Morales, had invited Dr. Goodman to speak at a symposium that day on International Education. He and many others during the day expressed that what happened on Wednesday made the need for international education and exchange even more important. So far six of the school’s Alumni have died as a result of the terrorism.
Keeping the Doors Open to International Students
In a powerful commentary piece in Times Higher Education, Keeping the Doors Open to International Students, Rajika Bhandari, IIE’s Deputy VP for Research and evaluation, noted that “the release of this much-awaited annual data was tragically book-ended by the terrorist attacks in Paris and by statements from several governors in the U.S. declaring that they would close the doors of their states to Syrian refugees because one of the Paris attackers posed as a refugee.”
Building Strategic International Partnerships: The 18th Annual Colloquium on International Engineering Education
This year’s Colloquium brought together representatives of more than 100 universities, including over 25 foreign institutions, that are currently training the next generation of global engineers, as well as NGO and government leaders to examine topics related to engineering education and preparing students for the engineering workforce.
Additional 100 Girls in Ethiopia Awarded the HER Scholarship
IIE is excited to announce that an additional 100 girls were awarded IIE’s Higher Education Readiness (HER) scholarship. These 11th grade girls (fifty each from Fitawrari and Addis Ketema schools) should be proud of their accomplishments.
Letter From Philadelphia—Remarks at a Model UN Conference
In my remarks at the opening of the 31st Ivy League Model United Nations Conference (ILMUNC) organized by University of Pennsylvania students, I spoke about a high school teacher of mine and a national debate competition and their profound impact on who I have become.
Negotiating Space in International Academic Partnerships: Lessons from South Africa
With the increasing pace of internationalization of higher education, there are concerns that there may be negative aspects to internationalization as universities in developing countries import curricula, systems and quality assurance frameworks from the established world.