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A Different Experience: Supporting First Generation College Students in Education Abroad


Studying abroad was never something I planned on doing. I knew such a thing existed, but to me it existed in a realm of things I didn’t perceive as meant for me. I was a first generation college student.

75 Years of IVLP—Applauding a Unique and Worthy Program


Participants of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) taught me a great deal about the world we share, and they came from places I thought I would never have the chance to visit.

Second Inspirational Speaker Meets with HER Girls to Provide Perspective


As part of IIE’s Higher Education Readiness (HER) program, which provides young women in secondary school from underserved communities with a pathway to university, our team in the Addis Ababa office is organizing inspirational speakers to meet with the girls several times each semester.

Workforce Development and the Next Generation of Globally Competitive Individuals


Although the concept of workforce development has been around for a long time, it has recently gained prominence in the field based on several factors in the ever-evolving state of the global economy. Here is what I have learned about the impact of international education on global workforce development.

Women’s Enterprise for Sustainability (WES): Celebrating Global Entrepreneurship Week


Zina Ammar grew up in Gafsa, Tunisia, where she learned how to make the region’s famous Margoum carpets from the women in her family. Zina eventually started her own carpet-making business. Hoping to grow her business, Zina enrolled in Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Financial Education trainings at the Women’s Enterprise for Sustainability (WES) Center for Women’s Business Development in her community.

Rediscovering Memory: Celebrating the Art and Work of a Threatened Scholar


On October 19th, IIE Scholar Rescue Fund (IIE-SRF) supporters and guests celebrated the art and work of IIE-SRF alumna Jumana Jaber at a reception at IIE’s headquarters in New York City.

Civic Values and Narrative Imagination: The Role of International Higher Education


A few months ago I was asked to join a forum in Southeast Asia to discuss what role higher education has to inculcate civic literacy and values in the students who pass through the university system.

As the Refugee Population Grows


Here in Germany it is clear that they cannot take all refugees traveling their direction, or even all that have already arrived. It is also clear that Angela Merkel is in real trouble for trying, and that the Germans in the higher education space want their country to lead the way in helping.

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