Fall 2024 Snapshot on International Student Enrollment

The Fall 2024 Snapshot on International Student Enrollment findings are based on responses from over 690 U.S. higher education institutions on current patterns in international student enrollment as of fall 2024. The report, conducted by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and ten partner higher education associations, complements the Open Doors® Report on International Educational Exchange.

The findings from the Fall 2024 Snapshot reflect a continued rise in international student enrollment numbers. A 3% growth in international student totals (undergraduate, graduate, non-degree, and Optional Practical Training [OPT]) builds on the 7% growth in 2023/24 and the 12% growth in 2022/23 according to Open Doors. This marks four years of international student increases since the COVID-19 pandemic.

84% of reporting institutions indicate that financial support for their international student recruitment efforts is the same or higher than in the previous year. U.S. institutions report working with current international students, collaborating with agents, building international partnerships, and conducting in-person recruitment events to support outreach and recruitment.