Phase 3: Essays & Supporting Documents
No, you CANNOT use the essays and recommendation letters from your previous application.
If your application moves to Phase 3, you have to submit three essays. At that point, you will receive the essay questions and instructions.
Each essay can be maximum 750 words.
If your application moves to Phase 3, you have to submit three letters of recommendation. At that point, you will receive the instructions for the recommendation letter.
No, because the recommendation letter must include the information given in the instructions and it’s your responsibility to obtain a recommendation letter and contact information of a referee who can speak to your abilities, perseverance and suitability for the Lincoln Scholarship Program.
Recommendation letters can be from people who can comment on your general suitability to receive a Lincoln Scholarship. They should know you either in an academic or professional capacity and they CANNOT be relatives or friends.
English is preferable, but if your recommender can write you a better recommendation letter in Burmese, we will accept it in Burmese. If you are selected for interview, your recommendation letters must be translated into English before your interview date.
Yes, you can ask the same recommender as for previous applications but the letter must be new (updated and dated with the current year).
Yes, you can submit more than one recommendation letter from the same organization.
The Lincoln Scholarship Program cannot advise on how you should obtain your transcripts. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all required documents are submitted.