As Indonesia’s economy continues to grow, economic inequality is also increasing. Inequality has left populations living near or below the poverty line with a higher risk of being left behind. Entrepreneurship provides an important avenue for poor and vulnerable (P&V) individuals to improve their lives, create opportunities for themselves and others in their communities, and contribute to Indonesia’s economic development. However, P&V youth, women, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) face unique challenges in being able to start their own businesses. Existing entrepreneurship programs rarely address the challenges to this group, including foundational skill gaps and the need for intensive coaching and mentoring to help them start and grow successful enterprises.
Between April 2017- April 2022, JAPRI leveraged and tailored existing entrepreneurship resources to develop, test, and scale customized approaches for promoting entrepreneurship among P&V individuals. To identify potential entrepreneurs, JAPRI first worked with local governments, community groups, and universities. Once participants were selected, JAPRI focused on increasing the interest of participants in entrepreneurship through a Business Motivation Workshop. After interest was demonstrated, JAPRI delivered an Entrepreneurship Training or a One-Day Business Training. Entrepreneurship Trainings were delivered by certified trainers who had completed JAPRI’s Training of Trainers. One-Day Business Trainings were delivered by JAPRI to participants who already had a business or were about to start a business.
Part of JAPRI’s unique approach was in its emphasis on business mentoring and coaching as follow-on activities after the initial training had taken place. Business mentoring was delivered by successful business owners who inspired participants by sharing their experience, tips, and tricks in their trades. Business coaching was delivered by certified coaches who had completed JAPRI’s Training of Coaches. Coaches helped participants set targets for their businesses and find ways to address challenges. Business mentoring and coaching accelerated and directly contributed to the creation and improvement of businesses, as they helped raise participants’ confidence and created an enabling environment for entrepreneurs within the broader community ecosystem.
As of the conclusion of the program, local stakeholders across Java continue to implement elements of the JAPRI model in their communities. On the national level, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology is now hosting the JAPRI Entrepreneurship Training module on its online learning platform. IIE and its partners are also looking to adapt and replicate the model in new contexts in Indonesia and around the world.

Supporting a Generation of Skilled Youth
From April 2017 – March 2021, JAPRI implemented its Full Implementation programming, which focused on supporting youth entrepreneurs across West, Central, and East Java. Within this phase, IIE implemented activities in collaboration with its partners Prestasi Junior International (PJI) and Mien R. Uno Foundation (MRUF). This consortium offered entrepreneurship expertise; a proven ability to work directly with P&V youth in Indonesia; and access to networks of local governments, universities, and successful youth entrepreneurs. JAPRI also collaborated with local governments and universities to identify potential P&V youth and leverage the knowledge of youth representatives to ensure a youth-friendly entrepreneurship module. Lastly, to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of promoting entrepreneurship among youth, JAPRI also engaged with the private sector, including financial institutions that could potentially support the participants’ needs for capital.

Women’s Economic Empowerment
Between October 2019 – December 2021, JAPRI also implemented Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) programming after IIE was awarded additional funding from USAID to support activities focusing on women in East Java. Building on its work in the Trenggalek and Blitar districts, JAPRI expanded its reach to focus on increasing women-owned businesses. Recognizing that an empowering environment at home must also be present for women to successfully run their own businesses, JAPRI incorporated gender training activities for men. For JAPRI WEE, IIE leveraged the technical expertise of Kelompok Perempuan dan Sumber-Sumber Kehidupan (KPS2K) as well as MRUF.

Employment & Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Between October 2020 – February 2022, JAPRI concurrently implemented activities that directly supported persons with disabilities in East Java after receiving additional funding from USAID’s Employment and Economic Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Program. This program built upon on JAPRI’s experience and relationships developed while working in Trenggalek and Blitar during its Full Implementation and WEE activities. For JAPRI PWD, IIE leveraged the technical expertise of Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas Indonesia (HWDI), a local Disabled Persons’ Organization, alongside MRUF and KPS2K.
Contact us to learn more about JAPRI and other USAID programs at IIE.