For Greek Institutions
Faculty at degree-conferring higher education institutions in Greece apply to the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program (GDFP) by using the online project request system. Project requests must include a letter of support from an administrator at the level of department head and another letter from the rector at the host institution.
Projects funded by GDFP support one scholar visit between 14 and 90 days. Host institutions can name a specific eligible scholar or submit without naming one, in which case IIE will search for a match in the Roster of qualified candidates. Hosts must submit two letters of support: one letter from their department head and another from the rector.
Project Requests and Activities
Project requests to host scholars are submitted online by a Greek institution higher education institution. A scholar on the roster is only considered for a fellowship if a project request is submitted that identifies the scholar by name or if the scholar is matched to a project due to the scholar’s expertise and fit to the project’s activities and disciplinary specializations.
Types of project activities that can be requested by a Greek host institution are:
- Curriculum co-development;
- Research collaboration
- Graduate or undergraduate research mentoring and teaching.
A Greek institution may, but is not required to, name a specific scholar in a project request. Both the proposed scholar and the project request itself are subject to evaluation by a review committee and approval by the Advisory Council.
Greek institutions and prospective fellows (scholars) can collaborate on ideas for a project that the institution submits. Scholars must submit an application for the roster. IIE will maintain and search the roster for one or more possible matches, according to the discipline specializations, expertise, activities and objectives described in a project request.
See the Review Criteria section for more information on how to apply to the Greek Diaspora Scholars program.
Please email greekdiaspora@iie.org with questions.