Current Membership
The Global E3 Program consists of a consortium of universities working together to provide an excellent study abroad experience for engineering students. Over 65 universities worldwide comprise the Global E3 consortium. This consortium is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE) in New York, under the guidance of the member-elected Executive Committee. Students from members of this consortium may apply to go to any participating university outside their own country.
Global E3 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the governing board of Global E3 consortium, consisting of up to 12 representatives from member institutions. Committee members are elected by the consortium membership for 3-year terms, and led by a Chair of the Executive Committee. There are also two sub-committees to address membership engagement and membership recruitment. For questions about the Executive Committee or how to get involved in the future, please contact GE3@iie.org.
Membership Engagement Sub-Committee: The Membership Engagement Sub-Committee is a standing sub-committee tasked with leading efforts for engagement of the Global E3 membership. Current initiatives are a monthly virtual Engagement Webinar Series, a mentor program, and a monthly newsletter produced and distributed by IIE.
Membership Recruitment Sub-Committee: The Membership Recruitment Sub-Committee is a standing sub-committee tasked with leading efforts in recruiting new members for the consortium and identifying geographical areas of interest.