For Advisers
Important Information for Study Abroad and Financial Aid Advisers
Study Abroad Advisers
Study Abroad Advisers will be notified of the application decisions. Each applicant is required to secure the certification of their application from their Study Abroad Adviser. Applications without this certification will be disqualified.
Be aware that the Study Abroad Adviser must submit their certification by the application deadline in order for the application to be considered.
Please note that although applications do not have to be submitted to be certified, students must have completed the relevant information in order for their application to be certified.
Applicants are required to reach out to their Study Abroad Adviser to discuss their study abroad plans and confirm that their program meets the Freeman-ASIA eligibility requirements. It is important that students identify and communicate with the individual on campus best suited to certify their application. This person is typically a campus Study Abroad Adviser, or the individual who is most familiar with the study abroad program to which the student is applying. Other faculty or staff members who are not familiar with the study abroad program should not be asked to certify the application. While some institutions may have a designated person to certify this application, IIE does not maintain a list of designated advisers. Applicants should be aware of who the designated person is prior to submitting contact information in their application.
When students have completed (but not submitted) their application, they will be asked to register their Study Abroad Adviser using the “Register Study Abroad Adviser” section of the Embark application. The adviser will then receive an email with a link to the online certification form. The adviser will review the academic and programmatic information provided in the application, offering corrections or clarification to the student’s responses where necessary. The application will be considered certified when the adviser confirms in her/his response and/or corrections that the applicant and the program are eligible and that the program is approved by the home institution.
Financial Aid Advisers
Financial Aid Advisers are no longer required to certify applications. Students will need to upload the following documents to their application:
- Latest FAFSA Submission Summary
- Current academic year financial aid award letter
- Current academic year cost of attendance at the home institution
Students are instructed to contact their Financial Aid Adviser to review and understand their projected resources and financial aid that can be applied to their study abroad program. Students are also asked to provide the contact information for their Financial Aid Adviser in their application.
Please direct any inquiries to freeman-asia@iie.org