Types of Fellowships
Multiple types of fellowships are possible under the CADFP, but all potential hosts are highly encouraged to propose one or two of the following activities:
- Innovations in curriculum co-development. Requests outlining activities in curriculum co-development should focus on innovative and collaborative approaches to designing and implementing new courses and curriculum(s). Fellowships that assist host institutions in developing and strengthening online instructional capacities are highly encouraged.
- New approaches and methods to graduate mentoring and training. Requests which include mentoring and training graduate students should identify new approaches and methods that will enhance graduate students’ technical and research skills.
- Impactful research collaboration and capacity strengthening. Research collaborations proposed by potential hosts and fellows should demonstrate long-term impact and strengthening of host faculty technical and research skills.
All-Discipline Fellowships
Open to Project Requests from any academic discipline. This is the standard model of the Carnegie African Diaspora Fellowship Program.
Alumni Fellowships
Opportunity for program alumni to do another stay at their initial host institution. Alumni can also collaborate with new institutions.
Program participants selected in previous cycles must upload a 2- to 3-page Fellowship Report to be considered for an Alumni Fellowship. The report should include:
▪ Details of activities completed during first project visit (specifically around the three core CADFP activities);
▪ Any long-term impacts of the project visit (e.g. publications, curriculums approved, graduate students mentored through the completion of their dissertations);
▪ Any ongoing activity between the host/fellow after the previous project visit (e.g. what steps and resources have been utilized to sustain the collaboration); and
▪ Any other relevant details to the first project visit.
The lifetime maximum for CADFP Fellowships is two (2). Program Alumni who have received the maximum number of Fellowships are encouraged to continue engaging with the program as reviewers. For more information, please email AfricanDiaspora@iie.org.
Virtual Alumni Fellowships
Virtual Fellowships are only offered to program Alumni returning to their previous host university.
Multi-Institutional Fellowships
Two host institutions submit one project request for activities to be completed in one visit.
- Project requests are specifically encouraged that demonstrate collaboration among new and more established universities.
- Collaborations among universities and research organizations are eligible.
- Letters of support are required from all participating institution.
Cohort Fellowships
One institution can submit a project request for a group of two or more scholars to collaborate on one project.
- Each scholar must submit an application and a letter of recommendation from their home institution.
- Scholars can be in the same fields of study, but it is recommended that they have different subfields of expertise.
- Cohorts can be of any size, but a clear justification for the presence of each scholar should be outlined in the project.
- Scholars in a cohort can come from different institutions in the U.S. or Canada.
Flexible Fellowships
Scholars are able to make two separate visits to a host institution to work on a single project.
- Project requests should include a clear justification for the flexible model as well as workplans for the time between the two visits.
- Each visit of the flexible fellowship should be at least 14 days, and the combined length of both visits should not exceed 90 days.
- The CADFP will cover costs for the fellow’s first roundtrip ticket to the host institution. However, the second roundtrip ticket must be funded by the scholar’s home institution or the host institution that submitted the project request.
- The letter of support from the host institution and the letter of recommendation from the scholar’s institution should note that the project will be conducted over two visits. The institution covering the cost of the second roundtrip ticket should mention this in their letter.
Questions about the variety of fellowships supported by the CADFP should be sent to AfricanDiaspora@iie.org.
The CADFP is made possible by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.