Letters of Recommendation and Letters of Support
A: The LOR is part of the Scholar Application and must come from the Scholar’s home institution from an administrator at the level of Dean or higher. The LOS is part of the Project Request and must come from the Host Collaborator’s institution from an administrator at the level of Dean or higher.
A: Yes, if the Dean is unavailable or if the position of Dean is vacant, a Letter of LOR or LOS will be accepted from an interim dean. However, a LOR or LOS from an Associate Dean will not be accepted.
Dates and Deadlines
A: Please email AfricanDiaspora@iie.org to be added to the program contact list to receive updates on future application cycles.
Projects submitted by African institutions must adhere to the submission timelines as the projects contain start dates and duration specific to each competition cycle. However Diaspora Scholar applications are a summary of the scholar’s experience and disciplinary expertise and can be submitted at any time.
Host Eligibility
A: Potential hosts are highly encouraged to propose one or two of the following activities:
- Innovations in curriculum co-development. Requests outlining activities in curriculum co-development should focus on innovative and collaborative approaches to designing and implementing new courses and curriculum(s). Fellowships that assist host institutions in developing and strengthening online instructional capacities are highly encouraged.
- New approaches and methods to graduate mentoring and training. Requests which include mentoring and training graduate students should identify new approaches and methods that will enhance graduate students’ technical and research skills.
- Impactful research collaboration and capacity strengthening. Research collaborations proposed by potential hosts and fellows should demonstrate long-term impact and strengthening of host faculty technical and research skills.
A: No, all accredited institutions in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania or Uganda, along with universities that are members of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and partner universities with the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) are eligible.
A: Outside of the six CADFP countries, universities that are part of the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) are eligible. These are: Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; University of Rwanda; University Cheikh Anta Diop, Senegal; University of Mauritius; Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique; and Université de Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Additionally, partner universities with the Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa (CARTA) are eligible. These are the University of Malawi and the University of Rwanda.
A: No limits apply.
Scholar Matches
A: Yes, once you have started a Project Request, you can review the roster of qualified scholars. Using the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen, scroll down and select the tab, “Prospective Fellow of Interest”. You can search fellows by field of study and review scholar applications. If you identify a potential match, please contact AfricanDiaspora@iie.org with the name(s) of a potential match. We recommend that you complete as much of your Project Request as possible so we can share it with the potential match. You can also identify more than one scholar and rank them by preference.
A: Once you have started a Project Request, using the tabs on the left-hand side of the screen, scroll down and select the tab, “Prospective Fellow of Interest”. You will be able to search for the scholar by name.
A: Make sure the scholar you have identified to work with has submitted their Scholar Application. Their name will not appear until the Scholar Application has been submitted.
Scholar Eligibility
A: Full-time senior lectures from some fields are eligible to apply. Please contact AfricanDiaspora@iie.org for more details.
A: Either. As long as this the passport clearly indicates the Scholar’s country of birth any valid passport can be used.
A: No. A diaspora Scholar can only be named in one Project Request per completion.
A: You can only receive one fellowship per grant funding cycle. The lifetime maximum for CADFP Fellowships is two (2) as of the Winter/Spring 2024 application cycle.
A: As long as you were born in Africa and hold an academic position at a U.S. or Canadian institution, you are eligible regardless of your country of citizenship.
A: Yes, you can reapply with the same project idea. We recommend you read the Review Criteria and make changes in line with the guidelines.
A: Yes, if you would like to edit your Scholar Application, please contact AfricanDiaspora@iie.org and request that your application be released for editing.
Cohort Fellowships
A: Yes, the program does support cohorts. Please note that each Scholar must complete an individual Scholar Application and each must be named in the same host institution’s Project Request. If you plan to submit a cohort application, please email us at AfricanDiaspora@iie.org to inform us.
A: No, but keep in mind that the Project Request must justify the participation and expertise of each scholar.
A: Yes, scholars are not limited to working with the same cohort nor with the same institution from previous fellowships.
Multi-Institutional Fellowships
A: Yes, the program does support multi-institutional Project Requests. Please note that institutions you are working with must submit a single Project Request. Additionally, the academic institution must take the lead on submitting the Project Request on behalf of both institutions; however, each institution must submit their own Letter of Support.
A: There are no restrictions regarding the number of institutions, but keep in mind that the project must be completed in one visit and the participation of each institution must be clearly justified in the Project Request.
A: No, an academic oriented NGO is only eligible to participate in a multi-institutional project alongside an accredited university or college. Please contact AfricanDiaspora@iie.org if you plan to submit a multi-institutional project.
A: Yes, however, they must apply for a multi-institutional fellowship alongside an accredited university in one of the six eligible countries with the university being the primary requester.
A: Ideally, both institutions would contribute to cost sharing in some way, but we take into consideration that some institutions have more funds available than others.
A: The CADFP Program Staff does not provide specific feedback on non-recommended or non-selected Project Requests. If submitting for another review cycle, please consult the Review Criteria section of our website to better understand the review process.
The CADFP is made possible by a grant from Carnegie Corporation of New York.