FAQ for Hosts
A: Interested hosts including academic institutions, cultural centers, arts organizations or residencies in any safe country can reach out to APF@iie.org for more information about hosting. The host institution is an essential collaborator, providing the APF Fellow with professional and personal support during the Fellowship, including matching the APF financial support with substantive in-kind resources such as housing, studio space, materials/supplies, and access to programming and networking opportunities.
A: Host institutions are required to match the APF financial grant with various types of in-kind and/or financial support, including visa sponsorship, housing, studio space, materials/supplies, and access to programming and networking. Beyond providing this elemental support, APF also asks that hosts take a vital role in ensuring the overall wellbeing of an APF Fellow in residence through frequent access to mentoring, personal and professional guidance, and social services, as needed.
A: APF always welcomes conversations from institutions evaluating their capacity to host an APF Fellow in residence. We frequently explore an extension of local collaboration in a host institution’s region if the key host is not able to independently provide adequate in-kind support.
A: In almost all circumstances, visa sponsorship is a key requirement for host institutions.
A: Fellows should be an integral part of campus or community life—and in some cases, be involved in an instructional or lecturing capacity, depending on the artist and institution involved. APF welcomes applications from emerging, mid-, and late-career artists. Mid- and late-career artists are usually best suited for teaching masterclasses or occupying visiting artist/lecturer positions, and if this is an important element for the host institution’s participation, APF staff can explore specific details accordingly.