CIEE and IIE Publish Research on the Impact of Global Internships on Career Readiness 

Alumni outcomes show global internships enhance employability

BOSTON, November 20, 2024   — The Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) and the Institute of International Education (IIE) this week published a research report entitled Standing out in a competitive market: The impact of a global internship on career readiness 

Using survey responses from individuals who completed an internship outside of their home country between 2013 and 2023, the research team studied the impact of a global internship experience on skills acquisition, future employment, and more. Survey respondents were global internship alumni from eight different internship providers and included both Americans who interned in a location outside the United States and international participants who interned in the United States. 

Researchers found that participation in a global internship has an overall positive impact on the development of 21st-century job skills, with 81 percent of internship survey respondents indicating that participation in a global internship supported their development of a wide range of 21st-century job skills relevant to their professional and academic journeys. 

Plus, three in four alumni confirmed that participating in an internship abroad was helpful in acquiring their first full-time job, with 85 percent of respondents highlighting their experiences and skills in their CVs and professional profiles, and one in four employed respondents currently working at the same organization where they completed their internship. 

“This research confirms that global internships are a powerful tool for acquiring soft skills essential for the global workplace, including intercultural skills and communication, flexibility, and adaptability,” said Dr. Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning at IIE. “These skills, as well as the unique networking opportunities a global internship provides, are furthering global internship alumni’s career outcomes after graduation.”  

One interesting finding of the research is that global internships attract a more diverse pool of students than the traditional study-abroad population, with nearly half of all global internship survey respondents identifying as students of color, in comparison to 31 percent of study abroad students, as reported by Open Doors. Sixty-four percent of global interns identified with one or more underrepresented backgrounds (e.g., first-generation college students) and a greater percentage of male and nonbinary students participated in study abroad programming that included an internship component than in traditional study abroad programs. 

“Research shows that students and parents expect colleges to provide a gateway to career readiness,” said Dr. James P. Pellow, president and CEO of CIEE. “And nothing provides that better than a global internship that enhances the hard and soft skills that employers are seeking while providing students with a broader world view and a professional network for life.” 

More discussion of the vital link between global programs, institutional goals, and student success will happen at the 13th Annual CIEE Global Internship Conference, taking place June 25-27, 2025, in Singapore.  

About IIE 

The Institute of International Education (IIE) is the leader in designing and implementing international education strategies and program services. We work with governments, policymakers, educators, and employers across the globe to prepare students and professionals for the global workforce and equip them to solve the increasingly complex challenges facing our interconnected world. With support from donors, we also create initiatives that assist students, scholars, and artists whose lives and work are threatened; expand teaching and learning across cultures; and provide life-changing opportunities. A not-for-profit organization founded in 1919, IIE has a network of offices and affiliates worldwide and over 1,600 higher education partners. IIE publications and white papers can be found at

About CIEE  

CIEE builds bridges between different people, countries, and cultures. We help young people participate in international exchange and study abroad programs that bring the world together. Since 1947, CIEE has supported over one million student exchanges between more than 140 countries. We change lives, our alumni change the world. Learn more at

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