IIE in the News: Archive

Inside Higher Ed

Removing Financial Barriers to Study Abroad

To make international education experiences more equitable and accessible, colleges and universities have implemented programs to reduce or remove costs related to study away.

Penn State University Media

Two Penn State Humphrey Fellows to speak at AAUW State College event

A pair of Penn State Hubert H. Humphrey Fellows will speak later this month at an American Association of University Women (AAUW) State College event.

Language Magazine

Fastest Growth in US International Students in 40 Years

Released by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and the Institute … International education is a vehicle that …

University of Delaware

Capturing stories behind smiles | UDaily

An initiative of the Institute of International Education, the Artist Protection Fund provides support for artists to work at host institutions in …

The Columns

Six W&L Students Awarded Gilman Scholarships to Study Abroad

… International Education Exchange (CIEE) … Educational and Cultural Affairs, and the Institute of International Education administers the program.

The Chronicle of Higher Education

Latitudes: New effort to get more Black men to study abroad

The Center for Access and Equity at the Institute of International Education … Karin Fischer writes about international education, colleges and the …

Telegraph India

USA top choice for Indian students pursuing higher education abroad

The Institute of International Education’s (IIE) Open Doors report finds a 35 percent increase in the number of international students from India to the United States…

Mankato KEYC-TV

Minnesota State reaches highest national ranking in international students

Minnesota State University, Mankato moved up one spot, ranking eighth nationally in international student population among master's institutions.

Associated Press of Pakistan

New report indicates 16% increase in Pakistani students studying in US universities

The annual U.S. ‘Open Doors on International Students Exchange.’ report — released by the State Department, in collaboration with the Institute of International Education (IIE) — said there were 10,164 Pakistani students in 2022-23, compared to 8,772 in the previous year, a 16% increase.

U.S. Embassy & Consulates in Indonesia

More Indonesian Students Studying in United States as U.S.

JAKARTA – The number of Indonesian students studying in the United States increased by 5.8% to 8467, per the Institute of International …

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