IIE at AIEA 2023

IE is looking forward to connecting with our colleagues at the 2023 AIEA Annual Conference in Washington, DC! In addition to many panels and sessions led by IIE experts, this year meet us at our booth (Table 25) to learn more about our current initiatives, services, and opportunities.
IIE Speakers & Sessions
AIEA/IIE Workshop: Developing an Institutional Partnership Strategy
Sunday, February 19, 8:00am – 5:00pm EST
International partnerships in higher education are expanding in reach, format, and importance. The value of international collaboration across the realms of teaching, research, and public engagement is increasingly recognized. So is the value of offering global learning and interaction to a wider range of students, faculty, academic disciplines, institutional types, and nations than in the past. This workshop explores how institutions can develop purposeful strategies that produce a portfolio of sustainable partnerships engaging a wide range of faculty, staff, and students. Presenters provide research findings, practical knowledge, and models for establishing the goals, criteria, policies, supports, and processes that foster partnership success and bring clarity and intentionality to partnership decision-making. Participants – from many institutional types and nations – work together to apply this information to their contexts.
- Sylvia Jons (Chair), Lead, IIE Initiatives and Manager of the IIE Center for International Partnerships
- Susan Buck Sutton, Fellow, IIE Center for International Partnerships; Executive Committee, National Academy for International Education
- Tim Barnes, Executive Director of International Partnerships and Research, University of Kentucky
Internationalization, Disability, and Student Mobility: Survey Results and Best Practices
Monday, February 20, 10:15 – 11:15am EST
This panel delivers informational resources, research, and best practices from AIEA, DOS/ECA, MIUSA and IIE for international education leaders interested in building or expanding international education opportunities and supports for persons with disabilities. Panelists explore how serving those with disabilities is integrated into campus internationalization initiatives and the availability of data on international students with disabilities. The panel provides resources grounded in research, practitioner experience, and information from the National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange.
- Julie Baer (Chair), Research Specialist, IIE
- David Levin, Senior Program Manager at the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA)
- Ashley Holben, Project Specialist, MIUSA
- Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Vice-Provost for International Affairs and Global Strategy and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Spotlight Session: IIE Insights & Introducing the National Academy for International Education
Monday, February 20, 3:15-4:15pm EST
Join leaders from the Institute of International Education (IIE) who will provide insight on several current areas of strategic focus, and ways that institutions and organizations can partner with IIE to advance their own international education priorities. Additionally, participants will learn about the new National Academy for International Education, which brings together thought leaders and practitioners from around the world. Participants will learn about NAIE’s history, mission, and projects, including an upcoming virtual dialogue on how the last few years have (or have not) introduced new paradigms for international education – and how these may shape the future of our field.
ACE Plenary Panel: How Are We Doing – Really? New Findings and The Future Of International Education
Tuesday, February 21, 8:00 – 9:15am EST
In response to Karin Fischer’s November inquiry in the Chronicle of Higher Education – Are we “at the end of the golden era for internationalization?” – this plenary considers new data from ACE’s Mapping Internationalization on US Campuses: 2022 Edition and IIE’s Open Doors 2022 Report. Join the authors and key leaders in our field for a provocative discussion about the real challenges, opportunities, and hope for the future of international education.
- Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, IIE
- Kara Godwin, American Council on Education
- Philip Altbach, Boston College
- Jewell Winn, Tennessee State University
- Maria Claudia Soler, American Council on Education
International Student Recruitment: Focusing on Key Priorities
Tuesday, February 21, 9:15 – 10:15am EST
This session will present updates and trends on international student recruitment, including findings on academic mobility to the U.S. from IIE, international student preferences from the College Board, and insights from U.S. university leaders on challenges and opportunities in international recruitment. The panel will focus on the key priorities that the international education field faces, including enrollment updates, diversity and equity, policies, and priorities, as well as collaboration and partnerships. Scott Smith (Chair), Director, International Higher Education, College Board
- Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, IIE
- Vern Granger, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of Connecticut
- John Wilkerson, Interim Associate Vice President for International Services, Indiana University
Partnerships for a New Era: Role of Academic Diplomacy for 2023 and Beyond
Tuesday, February 21, 9:15 – 10:15am EST
Recent global events demonstrate how academic diplomacy within higher education is more important than ever. But how are institutions engaging with global partners to address diplomacy goals differently than in years past? New methods of engagement reflect this changing landscape. This interactive discussion will explore shifting goals in academic diplomacy, challenges to international partnerships and sustainable models for collaboration to emerge as new best practices in this arena.
- Athena Fulay (Chair), Outreach and Recruitment Manager, Fulbright Program, IIE
- Ahmad Ezzeddine, Wayne State University
- Maggie Hug, Regional Education Initiatives, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S. Department of State
With a Little Help from My Friends: SIOs and Collaboration across Campus
Tuesday, February 21, 4:00 – 5:00pm EST
This session will discuss the critical role of the Senior International Officer (SIO) on U.S. campuses and the collaborations and relationships that are key to SIOs’ success. Rooted in findings from IIE’s new publication on SIOs at U.S. higher education institutions, this panel will explore the wide range of relationships between SIOs and university leadership, followed by a discussion with university experts to identify examples of collaboration and effective practices.
- Mirka Martel, Head of Research, Evaluation & Learning, IIE
- Allan Goodman, CEO, IIE
- Kalpen Trivedi, SIO, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Deirdre Sato, SIO, Fashion Institute of Technology
Wednesday, February 22, 9:00 – 10:00 am EST
First-generation college students represent a growing segment of the U.S. higher education population and a group consistently underrepresented in study abroad programming. This session will share successful strategies for engaging with first-generation students and promising practices for increasing their participation in study abroad. Bringing together perspectives from higher education institutions and scholarship administrators, this session will present practical information for study abroad administrators to implement at each phase of the first-generation student study abroad experience.
- Leah Mason, Research Lead, IIE
- Amy Carey, University of Michigan
- Garett Heysel, American College of the Mediterranean
- Kelly Newlon, Washington State University
Where Do We Go from Here? Internationalization And Imprints of The Pandemic
Wednesday, February 22, 10:15 – 11:15am EST
The COVID-19 pandemic is retreating, but its lasting imprint on internationalization of higher education is just emerging. This roundtable discussion will explore how internationalization in higher education has changed due to the pandemic; how internationalization in higher education will change as a result of the pandemic; and how we must redefine what internationalization in higher education means. The session seeks to define the new contours of internationalization that will shape leadership strategies of SIOs.
- Cheryl Matherly, Vice President/Vice Provost for International Affairs, Lehigh University
- Leah Mason, Research Lead, IIE
- Hiroshi Ota, Hitotsubashi University