2016 Best Practices Conference
Event Details
Date: Friday, March 11, 2016
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Location: University of California, Davis
UC Davis Conference Center
Davis One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616
Contact: info@iie.org
Registration is now closed
Conference sessions will include:
- Strategic Planning for Comprehensive Internationalization
- Best Practices in Expanding Participation in Study Abroad
- New Strategies for Global Engagement and Partnerships
Optional Pre-Conference Activities on Thursday, March 10: Roundtables and Networking Reception
Morning Roundtable Session (invite only): Project No More Lost Generation: Principles of Higher Education Support
Conflict, war and natural disasters have displaced and will continue to displace millions of people around the globe, including university and college students. In times of peace, these students will become their societies’ future leaders, doctors, scientist, journalists, teachers and engineers, but in times of war, they can become a lost generation. Higher education in the United States has a long-established tradition of providing support and sanctuary to the world’s most vulnerable students. This workshop will put forth a call to the U.S. higher education community with a proposed sustainable solution for support involving innovation, knowledge sharing, and collaboration across the whole spectrum of the higher education community.
Afternoon Roundtable Sessions: (choice of one)
- Reinventing Academic Ties: Opportunities for U.S-Iran Higher Education Cooperation – With the warming of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Iran, this session will explore the future of academic relations between U.S. and Iranian higher education institutions. Topics will include an overview of current academic relationships, models for collaboration, case studies of existing linkages, and practical guidance on how to initiate new partnerships.
- Models and Best Practices for Internationalization at the Community College – Will explore some of the best practices and tools for internationalization at Community Colleges and is ideal for community college representatives who are looking for practical ideas on how to internationalize their campus.
Early Bird Registration (until January 8)
- $250 Member Price (includes lunch) REG: $295
- $290 Non-Member Price (includes lunch) REG: $335
- $125 Pre-conference Roundtable and Networking Reception (on March 10, 2:00pm-7:00pm)