ATI Fellowship and Scholarship Fund (FSF)
The Agricultural Transformation Initiative Fellowship and Scholarship Fund (ATI FSF) aims to strengthen the capacity of researchers and professionals in Malawi in high-priority areas that will help the country transform its agricultural sector by reducing dependence on tobacco exports. The ATI FSF awarded 27 scholarships to master’s students and postdoctoral fellows from Malawi in the areas of agriculture, business, data science, ecology/environment, economics or engineering.
The ATI FSF is supported through a grant from the Foundation for a Smoke-Free World (FSFW), the ATI FSF is administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE), with general assistance from the Foundation’s affiliate, the Agricultural Transformation Initiative. Learn more about the FSFW by clicking here.
The ATI concluded in 2023. Please see the impact report by IIE’s Research, Evaluation and Learning Team “Toward Sustainable Agricultural Pathways in Malawi” to learn more about the ATI.