ATI Fellows

Tawanda Chingozha is a development economist whose primary area of work involves combining GIS, machine learning and citizen science with quasi experimental econometric techniques in estimating the effects of policy interventions on socio-economic outcomes. His research has a strong focus on land tenure issues, market access and the informal sector. He has considerable experience in the development sector and he is currently researching on the livelihoods of tobacco farmers in Malawi and the socio-economic implications of switching into alternative crop farming. Dr .Chingozha will pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Stellenbosch.

Brighton Austin Chunga is an Irrigation and Water Resources Management specialist with more than 13 years of experience. He has worked in Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Germany, and the United Kingdom. His research focuses on system dynamic modelling, catchment hydrology, water resources management and allocation in the face of climate change. Having studied both engineering and social sciences and management degrees, Brighton is a multi-disciplinary researcher and uses mixed-method approaches to solving world environment and water related challenges. Dr. Chunga will pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Stellenbosch.

Samson Pilanazo Katengeza holds a BSc. Degree in Agriculture (Agricultural Economics) from the University of Malawi, Bunda College; an MSc. Degree in Agricultural and Applied Economics from Makerere University; and a PhD diploma in Economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Samson is currently a Director of Research and Outreach and a Senior Lecturer in Agricultural Marketing and Food Securitty and Rural Livelihood with the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Malawi. His research interests focus on examining the impact of integrating farm input subsidies and soil fertility management technologies on food security and nutrition security in Sub-Sahara Africa. Dr. Katengeza will pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Stellenbosch.

Joseph Upile Matola is a dedicated Malawian civil servant, born and raised in Malawi. He hold a Ph.D. in Development Economics obtained from the National graduate institute for Policy Studies in Japan. His research interests are in macroeconomic policy analysis and his postdoctoral research focuses on the macroeconomic effects of reduced global demand for tobacco on the economy of Malawi. Dr. Matola will pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Stellenbosch.

Wezi Esther Mkwaila received her MSc in Biology from University of Malawi and a Ph.D. in Plant Breeding Genetics and Biotechnology from Michigan State University USA. She has spent fourteen years as a faculty member at in the Department of Horticulture at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) as Lecturer and Senior Lecturer of various courses. She serves as Chair of the Rapid Response Team of the Malawi Biotechnology Forum since 2014 and Program Officer for Malawi under the African Union NEPAD African Biosafety Network of Expertise since August 2013. Selected honors include the African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) Fellowship, and the MSU-LUANAR Innovation Scholar Fellowship. For the ATI Fellowship, Dr. Mkwaila’s work is focusing on scaling potato seed production through exploitation of genetic diversity and employing rapid multiplication techniques for efficiency. She will work in coordination with Michigan State University.

Emmanuel Vellemu is a water resources scientist. His research interests lie in water resources management through the understanding of ecosystem services where he balances resource protection and use. He is actively involved in the development of water quality guidelines. Since the future is innovative and transdisciplinary, Emmanuel is open to new ways of gathering data for his research. He plans to use various elements of citizen science approaches including the introduction of a mobile innovation laboratory to engage with communities and schools in rural areas of Malawi to promote issues of sustainability. His interest in drone technology will assist him to promote ecological restoration in Malawi’s deforested areas and rivers as the country shift its focus from heavy tobacco reliance to ensure a smoke-free world. Dr. Vellemu will pursue his postdoctoral research at the University of Stellenbosch.