For Diaspora Scholars
- Albanian citizenship, born in Albania or the child of a person with Albanian citizenship. Albanians from Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro, etc. are eligible to apply.
- PhD or equivalent degree.
- Currently living and working at a university, research center or hospital in an OECD country.
- More than 5 years of working experience at a university, research center or hospital in OECD countries, within the last 10 years.
- Good knowledge of Albanian language or English appropriate to the proposed lecturing or research activities to be carried out in Albania.
- Postdoctoral researchers are eligible to apply, but should take special care to highlight the 5+ years of experience in their CV. Postdocs are also encouraged to seek Letters of Recommendation from their Primary Investigator/Supervisor that speaks to their ability to participate in READ.
- Track record of building international academic partnerships.
- Knowledge of the Albanian higher education sector, including critical areas of study and Albanian higher education organizational structure and policy.
READ provides support for Albanian Resident Scholars to request the visit of an Albanian Diaspora Scholar to pursue capacity-building collaborative research projects at eligible Albanian HEIs. READ supports this collaboration through four main activities:
- Collaborative research,
- Joint supervision of PhDs,
- Curricula and course development, and/or
- Co-teaching.
READ encourages projects that combine co-teaching with other supported activities.
In many cases, READ anticipates that Albanian Diaspora Scholars are in contact with colleagues at Albanian HEIs and will collaborate on the project details submitted by the Albanian Resident Scholar. READ encourages this kind of cooperation, although it does not increase the likelihood of selection in comparison to projects without such prior cooperation.
Fellowships are awarded for a period of 1 to 6 months, either in-person or a hybrid of in-person/virtual. READ Diaspora Fellows receive the following benefits:
- International travel costs and local transportation,
- A living stipend* to cover living expenses while in Albania,
- $150 per working day honorarium, and
- Health insurance (accident and sickness protection).
Diaspora Fellows may make multiple trips to Albania, but airfare reimbursement per fellow is capped at $500 USD for travel within Europe, and $1,500 for travel outside Europe.
*Stipend levels are defined as follows:
- If the diaspora scholar will stay for more than a month: $1,200/month (accommodation & meals;
- If the diaspora scholar will stay for less than a month: $120/day (accommodation & meals);
- If the diaspora scholar has arranged by himself/herself accommodation and will stay more than a month: $800/month:
- If the diaspora scholar has arranged by himself/herself accommodation and will stay less than a month: $60/day
The stipend will be calculated per working day, plus any continuous travel or weekend days.
Follow READ on Facebook or LinkedIn to stay informed of the application launch date, webinars on how to apply and other information that will assist your application.
Email READ@iie.org with any questions.