Study Abroad Resources
The Generation Study Abroad resource hub is a compilation of IIE’s resources and expertise, as well as information from other organizations, to support continued efforts to increase study abroad participation. These resources are divided into collections for students, families, and educators. Each resource has a brief description and guidance on usage.

A Student Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical instructions, easy tips, and real-life stories to help you navigate study abroad. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals.

A Family Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in print & digital versions, this book provides valuable guidance on understanding the impact of and options for studying abroad while updating information and tips to empower today’s students and their families to succeed.

Guía Para Familias Sobre Estudios en el Extranjero (Book)
Con la Guía para familias sobre estudios en el extranjero, la Fundación AIFS y el IIE siguen ofreciendo valiosa orientación sobre cómo entender el impacto y las opciones de estudiar en el extranjero, con actualizaciones sobre la información y consejos para empoderar a los estudiantes de hoy y a sus familias para que tengan éxito.

Guía para familias sobre estudios en el extranjero: Potenciando las redes de apoyo estudiantil (Webinar recording)
Este seminario web ayudara a los estudiantes hispanohablantes, sus familias, redes de apoyo y educadores a conocer más sobre los estudios en el exterior, los desafíos comunes que enfrentan y los recursos disponibles para superarlos.

Study abroad helps develop key 21st-century job skills, and this short paper can help you learn what employers are looking for and how to plan your study abroad experience to grow these skills. In addition, learn how to talk about your study abroad experience to employers to advance your career.

Standing Out in A Competitive Market: The Impact of a Global Internship on Career Readiness (PDF)
Global internships are a way to integrate study abroad with direct job experience. This report from CIEE and IIE explores the career outcomes of global internship alumni and highlights the impact of their expertise on developing critical job skills and advancing their careers.

AIFS Abroad Resources (Website)
AIFS Abroad has resources for students, families, and their support systems as they research potential locations for their experience abroad. This can be a starting point for important discussions about traveling and discovering oneself. It also addresses preparing to interact with new people and cultures.

Be Globalii Articles and Resources (Website)
Be Globalii has resources that provide information about international study and global programs.

National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE) (Website)
NCDE is a project of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs designed to increase the participation of people with disabilities in international exchange between the United States and other countries and is supported in its implementation by Mobility International USA.

A Family Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in print & digital versions, this book provides valuable guidance on understanding the impact of and options for studying abroad while updating information and tips to empower today’s students and their families to succeed.

Guía Para Familias Sobre Estudios en el Extranjero (Book)
Con la Guía para familias sobre estudios en el extranjero, la Fundación AIFS y el IIE siguen ofreciendo valiosa orientación sobre cómo entender el impacto y las opciones de estudiar en el extranjero, con actualizaciones sobre la información y consejos para empoderar a los estudiantes de hoy y a sus familias para que tengan éxito.

Guía para familias sobre estudios en el extranjero: Potenciando las redes de apoyo estudiantil (Webinar Recording)
Este seminario web ayudara a los estudiantes hispanohablantes, sus familias, redes de apoyo y educadores a conocer más sobre los estudios en el exterior, los desafíos comunes que enfrentan y los recursos disponibles para superarlos.

Broadening Opportunities for Study Abroad: U.S. Government Funded Scholarship Programs (PDF)
This paper explores U.S. government scholarship opportunities available to U.S. students interested in an international experience.

A Student Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical information, easy tips, and real-life stories to demystify the study abroad experience. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals nationwide.

Study abroad helps develop key 21st-century job skills, and this short paper outlines which skills employers value and how planning a study abroad experience to grow these skills intentionally makes a difference. It also outlines how graduates can better articulate the value of their international experience for the current job market.

Gaining an Employment Edge – The Impact of Study Abroad (PDF)
This study looked at the 15 soft and hard skills most desired by employers and surveyed over 4,500 U.S. college and university alumni about the link between these skills and study abroad. The data showed that studying abroad contributes to developing transferable skills and positive employment gains.

AIFS Abroad Resources (Website)
AIFS Abroad has resources for students, families, and their support systems as they research potential locations for their experience abroad. This can be a starting point for important discussions about traveling and discovering oneself. It also addresses preparing to interact with new people and cultures.

Be Globalii Articles and Resources(Website)
Be Globalii has resources that provide information about international study and global programs.

National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange (NCDE) (Website)
NCDE is a project of the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs designed to increase the participation of people with disabilities in international exchange between the United States and other countries and is supported in its implementation by Mobility International USA.

IIE American Passport Project (Institutional Award)
Through the IIE American Passport Project, IIE makes grants to U.S. colleges and universities in the IIENetwork to help Pell-eligible, first-year students obtain a U.S. passport. Each cycle, IIE will select eligible U.S. institutions to receive the grant to support 25 Pell-eligible students from their campus.

Open Doors® Annual Data Release (Video)
The Open Doors data release recording helps provide important context and analysis of the most recent study abroad mobility data. In addition, this page contains the key findings, fast facts, and data visualization highlights.

Broadening Opportunities for Study Abroad: U.S. Government Funded Scholarship Programs (PDF)
This paper explores U.S. government scholarship opportunities available to U.S. students interested in an international experience, highlighting different sponsoring agencies.

A Family Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in English and Spanish with print & digital versions, this book provides valuable guidance on understanding the impact of and options for studying abroad while updating information and tips to empower today’s students and their families to succeed.

Guía Para Familias Sobre Estudios en el Extranjero (Book)
Con la Guía para familias sobre estudios en el extranjero, la Fundación AIFS y el IIE siguen ofreciendo valiosa orientación sobre cómo entender el impacto y las opciones de estudiar en el extranjero, con actualizaciones sobre la información y consejos para empoderar a los estudiantes de hoy y a sus familias para que tengan éxito.

A Student Guide to Study Abroad (Book)
Available in print & e-book, this guide offers practical information, easy tips, and real-life stories to help students think about and prepare for study abroad. Each chapter features useful quotes and anecdotes from a diverse collection of students, advisers, and professionals nationwide.

Supporting First-Generation Students to Study Abroad (PDF)
This paper describes the landscape of study abroad programming designed for first-generation college students. It provides considerations for access to study abroad specific to first-generation students and relevant outcomes. It shares promising practices and examples from U.S. higher education institutions and study abroad programs to enhance pathways to study abroad opportunities for first-generation students.

Gaining an Employment Edge – The Impact of Study Abroad (PDF)
This study looked at the 15 soft and hard skills most desired by employers and surveyed over 4,500 U.S. college and university alumni about the link between these skills and study abroad. The data showed that study abroad contributes to developing transferable skills and positive employment gains.

This white paper from IIE and the AIFS Foundation synthesizes leading-edge research to demonstrate that in this globalized era, study abroad has become one of the most powerful ways to prove to employers that graduates have in-demand skills for the contemporary workplace.

The Rise of Remote Global Internships: Promising Practices and the Implications for Career Readiness (PDF)
This paper provides insight into the role of remote global internships in providing experiential educational opportunities for university students and the potential role these internships have in developing students’ skills acquisition, global citizenship, and career readiness.

Who’s Counting? Understanding the Landscape of Graduate Learning Overseas (PDF)
This survey paints a clearer picture of the graduate-level study abroad landscape and demonstrates the need for institutions to build the capacity to collect graduate student mobility data to support graduate students’ needs.

The Consortium for Analysis of Student Success through International Education (CASSIE) collected data from 36 U.S. institutions to address critical questions about the impact of international education. These findings could lead study abroad providers and funders to consider new and exciting ways to promote, improve, and leverage program designs, outreach and recruitment, application review and selection, advising, data collection and reporting, and more.

This webinar shared best practices in understanding Open Doors student mobility trends at community colleges and how data could be used to advocate for international education programming on campus. The key takeaway handout presents data for both study abroad and international students at community colleges.

Faculty and Education Abroad: The Role of Faculty in Promoting Global Learning on U.S. Campuses (PDF)
This white paper from IIE and the AIFS Foundation investigates the link between faculty and education abroad. It includes specific examples of institutions that expanded access to global learning and education abroad opportunities on campus to shed light on opportunities and challenges that faculty face when engaging with education abroad, both as campus champions and leaders.

Graduate Learning Overseas (GLO) Toolkit (Website)
This toolkit helps U.S. higher education institutions learn from IIE’s research and each other. It offers recommendations for how to adopt and tailor promising practices for graduate learning overseas data collection at your institution, including detailed case studies to guide your data collection efforts.

Reaching Your Generation Study Abroad Commitment, Key Takeaways (PDF)
Read the key takeaways from institutions that reached their GSA goals to increase study abroad on their campuses. This document provides tips and practical advice on how to get started and succeed in expanding study abroad.

What Will it Take to Double Study Abroad? (PDF)
This green paper resulted from a study abroad think tank, where professionals from higher education, NGOs, associations, non-profits, government, and the private sector came together to brainstorm ideas surrounding increasing study abroad. The ideas and actions proposed by the think tank range from technical solutions to proposing radical change.