Post-Acceptance FAQs
- When is the earliest or latest that I can begin my research after being awarded a Fellowship?
- Am I able to extend my award beyond the time frame for which I applied?
- What type of visa will I need? Will anyone help me make these arrangements?
- What happens if I withdraw early from the program? Do I need to pay back what I have already been awarded?
- If I receive a CCSP Fellowship, are dependents (such as my family) allowed to accompany me to China?
Q. When is the earliest or latest that I can begin my research after being awarded a Fellowship?
A. This will depend on your host institution. Normally, Chinese institutions begin in the fall semester, with very little activity during the summer months. In most cases, therefore, awardees will need to plan on arriving in time for the start of the fall semester, based on the academic calendar of their host institutions. Should you need to postpone your start until the spring, this can be arranged, but you will need to communicate your plans clearly to your host institution, and to IIE and submit a request to IIE to postpone your grant start date. You will need to explain why a later start date is needed.
Q. Am I able to extend my award beyond the time frame for which I applied?
A. If you applied for the Research Ph.D. fellowship for a six month or one year award, then you may be eligible to extend your award to the maximum of two years. However, no recipient can receive funding beyond two years. Similarly, the award cannot be renewed.
Q. What type of visa will I need? Will anyone help me make these arrangements?
A. All information on visa requirements and processes can be found on the Chinese embassy’s website, or, for non-US citizens, on the website of the Chinese embassy of your country of citizenship. Please note that you will work directly with your host institution to obtain the required visa application documents, but you will be reimbursed for the cost of obtaining the visa.
Q. What happens if I withdraw early from the program? Do I need to pay back what I have already been awarded?
A. You will need to notify IIE immediately if you plan to terminate your grant early. Additional details and instructions on what will be required of you will be sent to you directly. Please note that if a stipend has already been issued to you, you will need to return either the full or partial amount it to the funding agency.
Q. If I receive a CCSP Fellowship, are dependents (such as my family) allowed to accompany me to China?
A. CCSP Fellowships will only support fellowship recipients. It does not provide funding for dependents. Any who accompany you must be self-supporting, and will have no affiliation with a CCSP Fellowship.