Category: Uncategorized

Two Years Of Supporting Afghan Scholars, Students, and Artists

Action in the Face of Uncertainty: 500 Emerging Leaders and Two Years Since the Fall of Kabul 

Notre Dame's Hesburgh Library Word of Life Mural is lit in the colors of the Ukrainian flag

Finding Strength in Solidarity

How the GREAT Project Connects Two Distinct Worlds

Expanding Access to Global Experiential Learning Opportunities in STEM: A Closer Look at Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Global Projects for All Initiative

Great Talent, Potential, and Eagerness

Rewriting the Script for International Advancement Through Collaboration

IIE Celebrates Qatar Scholarship for Afghans Project (QSAP) Host Institutions at NAFSA

Ukraine One Year Later: A Call For Continued Support for Students, Scholars, and Artists

Latin American teacher explaining something to a couple of college students

Study Abroad, Experiential Learning, and Skills Development – Creating the Global Mindset That Will Take You Far

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