Higher Education Support Services
IIE’s programs and services in support of international higher education development encompass a broad range of activities, including the design and delivery of specialized academic programs and publications. The European office makes IIE’s reference directories and research findings available for the European higher education community through special press briefings, and by organizing high-level discussion forums and symposia. These events are usually clustered around the second week of November to celebrate International Education Week in Europe.
Extensive University Network
IIE has long-standing relationships with the most highly regarded higher education institutions not only in Europe, but also around the world. IIE’s global membership association of over 3,500 international educators is the premier informational resource for nearly 900 higher education institutions in the U.S. and overseas, as well as governments, media, and international education organizations. By utilizing these relationships, IIE is uniquely positioned to offer high-quality services with a global reach.
Training Workshops for International Education Professionals
IIE is well-experienced in conceptualizing and developing workshops for international education professionals. The principal goal of these seminars is to build the skills and knowledge necessary for educators in Europe to internationalize their campuses, and to understand the relevance of global higher education trends to their work in the national context. In addition, these professional development seminars provide European international education professionals with the opportunity to learn about recruitment and marketing strategies on how to best attract foreign students, and about how to make the best use of global resources locally. In the past several years, IIE has held training seminars in Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Slovenia, and other countries in Central and Eastern Europe, in partnership with U.S. Embassies, bi-national Fulbright Commissions, and private foundations.
Visitor Programs for Professionals to Europe
IIE provides professionals with a comprehensive, hands-on learning experience in European countries, including through pre-arranged site visits and a set of facilitated professional meetings. IIE implements programs for a variety of government, corporate and private foundation sponsors. Through tailor-made programming designed to fit the educational goals of the partner organization, IIE leads program participants in gaining a thorough understanding of the specific topic in the unique European context, and are given several opportunities to network, share best practices, and form institutional or inter-country linkages. IIE can design tailor-made programs in view of the individual interest areas of the participants in any European country. Upon request, study tours that involve multiple destinations can be arranged as well.
European Study Abroad Seminars and Educational Visits for Students
IIE is committed to opening the eyes and minds of international students to Europe by offering short-term study abroad programs that give them an understanding of realities outside their home countries, challenge their ideas and provoke thought about world issues. To achieve this goal, IIE puts together diverse programs according to the specific needs of each student group. One of the most successful study abroad programs that IIE runs is the annual Central Europe Summer Seminar specially designed for the Flinn Foundation Scholars from Phoenix, Arizona. In 2006 IIE designed and implemented a program in Geneva for Hong Kong university students on behalf of the Dragon Foundation focusing on international organizations.
Scholarship Management
IIE is uniquely qualified to administer all aspects of scholarship and exchange programs, including recruitment, selection, academic placement, orientation, student monitoring, grant management, alumni activities, and specialized individual services. IIE’s European office works on behalf of numerous funders to administer scholarship and fellowship programs for European students in a number of countries, including in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, and the UK. Program sponsors include the National Science Foundation, the GE Foundation, and other sponsoring foundations, corporations and private individuals.
Student Placement Services
Through a wide variety of educational programs sponsored by governments, private companies, foundations, and individuals, IIE annually places approximately 1600 undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities all over the world. IIE’s Budapest headquarters offer Europe-wide placement services for students, scholars and students, including through competitive scholarship programs such as the Central Europe Summer Research Institute (CESRI) that IIE administers on behalf of the National Science Foundation in Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. The IIE European office has special expertise in identifying relevant placements for various scholarship schemes throughout the UK.
The Institute of International Education’s position as a key resource for international education within the global higher education community ensures that our staff can design and conduct targeted and meaningful program activities of any scope in Europe, and all over the world.
To discuss potential partnerships with IIE’s European Office, please contact:
Cheryl Francisconi
Head of IIE Europe
Institute of International Education
European Office
Tel: (+36) 1 472 2250, Fax: (+36) 1 472 2255