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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.

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Action in the Face of Uncertainty: 500 Emerging Leaders and Two Years Since the Fall of Kabul 

Two years after insurgents captured the city of Kabul, it is apparent that the ruling regime is not, as many had hoped, a kinder, gentler Taliban. From the rollback on everyday freedoms to restrictions on access to education, marginalized communities including, but not limited to, women and girls, continue to bear the brunt of repressive […]

“So That Students Can See Themselves:” NAFSA RISE Fellowship Aims to Diversify the Profession Itself  

This summer, NAFSA: Association of International Educators received the inaugural IIE Center for Access and Equity Empower Award in recognition of the association’s outstanding diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) programming. While IIE and NAFSA have collaborated for many years, the award comes with a new ambition: to mark a bold new chapter of concerted […]

Addressing Global Knowledge Inequity in International Education

Addressing Global Knowledge Inequity in International Education: Introducing #TheSouthAlsoKnows Knowledge from the Global South is vastly under-represented in research and debates on education and development. NORRAG’s initiative aims to contribute to reversing the North-to-South flow of expertise and decision making. NORRAG is a global network of 5,500 members in 179 countries focused on international policies […]

Finding Strength in Solidarity

Notre Dame International’s “Standing in Solidarity with Ukrainian Catholic University” received a 2023 Heiskell Award for Strategic Partnerships. When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, my colleagues and I at Notre Dame International (NDI) sprung to action. Notre Dame had been deeply engaged with Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) for more than 20 years, but […]

How the GREAT Project Connects Two Distinct Worlds

Rice University’s outreach initiative, GREAT Project, received a 2023 IIE Heiskell Award for Widening Access to International Education. What is the GREAT Project, and what access does it provide? The GREAT Project (Global RICE Empowers Academics & Training) is an effort to promote access and inclusion to higher education for individuals who might otherwise encounter […]

Expanding Access to Global Experiential Learning Opportunities in STEM: A Closer Look at Worcester Polytechnic Institute’s Global Projects for All Initiative

above: WPI students conduct field work with local partners in Panama. Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is a top-tier STEM-focused research university and a recognized pioneer and global leader in project-based learning. The Global Projects Program (GPP) was developed in 1974 to offer project-based learning opportunities around the world and has become a signature component of […]

Great Talent, Potential, and Eagerness

With more than 110M people forcibly displaced worldwide, universities stand to gain remarkably driven refugee students who can uniquely enhance campus life and solve global issues.  For the first time ever, the number of people displaced by conflict, climate change, political persecution, and economic hardship swelled beyond 100 million last year, according to the UNHCR. […]

Rewriting the Script for International Advancement Through Collaboration

Featured image by Kyah Hiers Indiana University (IU) is grateful to be receive IIE’s 2023 Heiskell Award for Models of International Education Financial Support in recognition of IU Global’s International Advancement Initiative. Comprehensive international advancement models require the active collaboration of multiple university offices, and we appreciate the senior administrators at IU who have supported […]

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