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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.

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The U.S. and Australia: Learning From Each Other

The United States, the United Kingdom and Australia are the three primary English-speaking destinations of international students worldwide. Among the three, Australia has the most centralized, proactive international education policies and, arguably, the most highly developed international student data collection system in the world.

Walking the Walk on Youth Leadership Development

At IIE, we believe that everyone has the potential to lead if given the opportunity, and that leadership skills can be developed through both formal and informal processes. Even more importantly, we believe that leadership is about developing and inspiring the next generation. In our leadership programs we focus on vision-building, practicing ethical and values-based leadership, building practical leadership skills and competencies, and supporting leadership actions.

Making German Institutions Even More International Student Friendly

Over the past decade, Germany has adopted the Bologna Process, a higher education agenda across the European Higher Education Area intended to facilitate student mobility and create more compatible higher education structures across Europe.

Of FROs and WOFEs: Models for Expanding U.S. Universities’ Global Presence

IIE co-hosted one of our occasional IIENetwork National Conference Calls, which bring together colleagues from around the world to discuss key topics that affect international higher education.

Building the New Libya through International Education

I’m well aware that beyond international education circles, the Institute of International Education is not exactly a household name. So you can imagine my surprise when, on my first trip to Libya in 2006, I met numerous people who were intimately familiar with IIE.

About Opening Minds

The Institute of International Education's Opening Minds blog is IIE’s take on international educational exchange, student mobility, partnerships, international development, and other topics that are shaping higher education around the world.

Foreign Language Proficiency for Everyone

Recently, I was honored to have been invited to share a written statement at the Senate hearing: A National Security Crisis: Foreign Language Capabilities in the Federal Government. I spoke about the importance of foreign language instruction in higher education institutions.

Joint and Double Degree Programs: Location, Location, Location

The cardinal rule of real estate (location, location, location) just acquired new meaning for me. In the latest issue of Foreign Affairs magazine, there is the usual sponsored section paid for by the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA).

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