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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.

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Global Diversity: At The Heart of International Education

For more than 100 years, IIE has served as a champion of students, scholars, artists, and professionals from around the world seeking to further their research and education. As such, diversity, equity, inclusion, and access (DEIA) have always been key to our organizational approach. IIE’s mission can only be achieved by embracing all of the […]

The World is Hoping the U.S. Never Gives Up on Democracy

A provocative article in the July 14 Stamford Advocate headlined, “Americans are widely pessimistic about democracy in the United States, an AP-NORC poll finds,” requires perspective. I’m not challenging the accuracy of the poll, but as CEO of the Institute of International Education (IIE) I would like to suggest that perceptions beyond our borders are […]

Thinking of Studying Abroad? Get Your Passport First!

For Passport Awareness Month, the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Consular Affairs is providing tips for first-time and repeat travelers alike. September is Passport Awareness Month. As you start to dream about your study abroad plans or your next international vacation, make sure to have a valid passport in hand. Even if your travel […]

Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month 2023

Recommended Reading, Films, and Music from IIE’s Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Affinity Group IIE proudly celebrates National Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month. Dating back to 1968, the U.S. observation publicly commemorates the societal contributions of Hispanic Americans, Latinos, Latinas, and Latinx-identifying people. The dates, September 15 to October 15, were selected to coincide with the […]

Education Under Attack

Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser, Humanitarian Leaders, and QSAP Scholars Commemorate International Day to Protect Education from Attack Education is invaluable in the lives of individuals as well as in our global society. It creates opportunities and fosters goodwill among people and societies. Yet for millions of young people worldwide, education remains out of […]

1,000 Students

Making the case for increasing international student enrollment in United States higher education It’s no secret that the United States has a dwindling lead over other countries among globally mobile students in higher education. Another sobering fact: fewer Americans are opting for college at all. And yet, there are U.S. colleges and universities countering the […]

A Rare & Critical Moment

Making the case for increasing international student enrollment in United States higher education As we prepare for the first full academic year since the end of the pandemic, consider this a rare and critical opportunity. Now is the time to collectively reassert the value of gaining an education in the United States and to mobilize […]

Two Years Of Supporting Afghan Scholars, Students, and Artists

In the two years since the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, IIE and our global network partners have been working to ensure the safety and welfare of students, scholars, and artists threatened by the political shift. Here are profiles of individuals who our programs have supported. Two years ago, Elja was working at the Afghan […]

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