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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.

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A Different Experience: Supporting First Generation College Students in Education Abroad

Studying abroad was never something I planned on doing. I knew such a thing existed, but to me it existed in a realm of things I didn’t perceive as meant for me. I was a first generation college student.

75 Years of IVLP—Applauding a Unique and Worthy Program

Participants of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) taught me a great deal about the world we share, and they came from places I thought I would never have the chance to visit.

Second Inspirational Speaker Meets with HER Girls to Provide Perspective

As part of IIE's Higher Education Readiness (HER) program, which provides young women in secondary school from underserved communities with a pathway to university, our team in the Addis Ababa office is organizing inspirational speakers to meet with the girls several times each semester.

Workforce Development and the Next Generation of Globally Competitive Individuals

Although the concept of workforce development has been around for a long time, it has recently gained prominence in the field based on several factors in the ever-evolving state of the global economy. Here is what I have learned about the impact of international education on global workforce development.

4 Things Your Institution Can Do to Support Education in Crisis

Neglecting academic needs during and after armed conflict raises the risk of failure once peace is restored—with security implications for the rest of the world. What can the academic community do to help?

HER Parent Group Meetings Show Changes in Parental Attitudes for Girls Education

To gain additional parental support for ongoing education of the HER girls, the IIE Addis office recently held two HER parent meetings, one at each of the high schools.

Virtual Fair Hints at Welcome Trend in International Exchange

Recently over 3,000 people gathered to roam the cyber halls of the inaugural Virtual Study Abroad Fair hosted by the State Department, College Week Live, and the Institute of International Education. We hope that these interactions that started off through virtual booths, video conferencing, and instant messaging turn into genuine experiences of cultural exchange.

Women’s Enterprise for Sustainability (WES): Supporting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Tunisia

Chadleya Idriss participated in the WES entrepreneurship training and worked closely with the WES Center staff to conduct market research on the toy industry in Tunisia.

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