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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.

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A Passage to India

As E. M. Forster illustrates in the novel with the same title as this blog, India is full of contradictions. You cannot help but notice and hear how big the country is becoming.

How Study Abroad Contributes to Career Readiness: 8 Studies

International experience used to be a “nice-to-have” criterion in a graduate’s resume. Today, it has become one of the most important components of a 21st century education. Many new studies show a direct impact of study abroad on creativity, cognitive ability, and student success. In addition, studies show that study abroad plays an important role in developing a global mindset and skills necessary to succeed in the workforce. Below are studies showing the value employers place on international experience and whether a graduate’s career prospects actually improve as a result of this experience.

Tips for Comprehensive Alumni Engagement: Lessons Learned from a Diplomatic Network Meeting

The Institute of International Education (IIE) recently hosted a special meeting on “Alumni Engagement: Methods and Strategies for Engaging Returning Students,” as part of its regular series of Global Education Diplomatic Network meetings, which brings together education attaches of embassies and consulates and related organizations.

WeTech: Engineering the Future for Girls and Women since 2013

Two years ago this month, IIE launched a new program to help women and girls enter and succeed in tech careers. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton introduced WeTech on stage at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) annual meeting in 2013. WeTech is a consortium of private sector and NGO partners that designs and supports a series of innovative activities to provide training, build networks and offer professional opportunities across the world.

Bringing International Education to the High School Classroom

K-12 teachers and administrators can have a huge impact on the direction of their students’ lives.

What Do International High School Students Mean for U.S. Higher Education? Six Key Takeaways

The presence of diploma-seeking international students in high schools is beginning to shift the landscape of international student recruitment for U.S. colleges and universities.

Asia’s Stake in 21st-Century Higher Education

In most higher education discourse today it is not unusual to hear the claim that the world’s center of gravity is shifting toward the East. Indeed, no region has undergone as profound a transformation as Asia during the past half-century, from the 1970s to the present.

Are We Making Progress Toward Doubling Study Abroad?

Roughly 15 months after IIE launched the Generation Study Abroad initiative, it’s time to take stock. Are we making progress? Can we achieve our goal of doubling study abroad by the end of the decade?

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