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As the world leader in international education and exchange, IIE partners with governments, corporations, and higher education institutions around the globe to build a more peaceful and equitable world. Learn more about our ongoing efforts to further our mission and other activities here.
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Shining a Light on Student Mobility in Brazil
As higher education becomes more globally competitive, more countries are seeking to gain an edge by internationalizing their higher education sectors. In this blog, Chelsea Robles, a Research Specialist at IIE, explores this phenomenon specifically as it relates to Brazilian students, and shares findings from our recent study, Higher Education and Student Mobility: A Capacity Building Pilot Study in Brazil.
Mending the Pipeline to Postsecondary Education for Refugees
IIE CEO and President, Allan Goodman, shares his thoughts on the disruption of postsecondary education in the lives of displaced or refugee youth, and how IIE is working to discover and implement solutions.
Lessons from IIE’s Latest IFP Alumni Tracking Study Report
Since 2013, IIE has carried out a longitudinal tracking study that explores the personal and professional trajectories of IFP alumni. Andrea Brown Murga, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer at IIE, shares her perspective on the subtle and complex ways a fellowship program like IFP can make a difference.
Closing the Global Gender Gap in STEM through Human Connection
In this blog post, IIE's Executive Vice President, Jaye Chen, shares her thoughts on the activities and successes of U.S. Department of State’s TechWomen program.
Five Ways to Work With Us
Celebrate International Education Week with IIE! Today's theme is Work with IIE, and this post from our Chief of Institutional Development, Jonah Kokodyniak, details five ways to do just that. Read and share how IIE's global team of experts can help you harness the power of international education.
Jordanian Outreach to Scholars and Students Promises Hope in War-Torn Region
Since 2002, IIE's Scholar Rescue Fund has assisted 726 scholars from 58 countries, 116 of whom have been placed in Jordanian institutions, including Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST). In this post, IIE's CEO and President, Allan E. Goodman, shares reflections on SRF and the role that Jordan in particular has played in preserving scholarship and thus, a human foundation upon which Syria and other conflict ridden countries and territories can rebuild.
10 Great Reasons to Study Abroad
IIE is a proud supporter of International Education Week, November 13-17, 2017. Share with students these 10 Great Reasons to Study Abroad, brought to you by Generation Study Abroad.
Celebrate International Education Week with IIE!
IIE is a proud supporter of International Education Week, November 13-17, 2017. Join the celebration by sharing the impact of international education exchanges in your life and the world.