A Guide to Building Sustainable Academic Linkages
Global Perspectives on Strategic International Partnerships: A Guide to Building Sustainable Academic Linkages takes an in-depth look into strategic institutional linkages from a host of vantage points, providing readers with critical case studies, practical advice, theoretical background, and good practices for developing successful partnerships. Authored by practitioners from around the world, this publication pushes the global dialogue surrounding institutional partnerships to focus on what makes a partnership strategic, how long-term partnerships are managed, and what underlying tenets should guide those seeking to initiate or improve their strategic partnerships. The publication is edited by Clare Banks, Institute of International Education (IIE), and Birgit Siebe-Herbig and Karin Norton, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The “Global Perspectives” series is a joint effort by IIE and DAAD to explore current international education policy issues from a global lens.

This guide on sustainable linkages brings fresh perspectives from around the world in advancing the discussion on strategic partnerships. Featuring leading international educators, as well as newer voices, the contributors provide practical insights into key issues such as multilateral models, stakeholder management, and ethics. As a comprehensive text in providing definitions, models and case studies from several different countries, this book will prove invaluable to university leaders who are looking to navigate the ever evolving realm of academic partnerships in the 21st century.
Darla K. Deardorff, Association of International Education Administrators, Duke University
Higher education’s international dimensions are shifting from fragmented, with a large number of partnerships, addressing primarily study abroad, towards more comprehensive, qualitative and strategic approaches. Universities compete, but even more they have to collaborate, to serve their graduates in becoming global professionals and citizens, and to be able to do joint research addressing innovative and global challenges. Strategic partnerships need to be broad but intensive, long term but result-oriented, dynamic but ethical and on equal terms. Global Perspectives on Strategic International Partnerships provides a rich collection of the why, what, how and outcomes of such strategic relationships, key for international higher education.
Hans de Wit, Director, Center for International Higher Education, Boston College
There has been much talk in recent years about the need for universities to become much more strategic and professional in the way they initiate and manage international partnerships, which in the past were too often ad hoc and amateurish. This book provides us with an excellent collection of studies from a diverse range of locations and institutional types. It will be an essential guide for leaders in higher education seeking to build international linkages.
Chris Ziguras, President, International Education Association of Australia
Strategic international partnerships are high on the agenda of governments and institutions. Many changes are taking place in their development and implementation which pose pressing challenges for those working in this area. This insightful publication provides a comprehensive overview of strategic partnerships covering many different angles and providing a wealth of information, examples and experiences. It provides practitioners with a deeper understanding of the what, the why and the how of strategic international partnerships and their contribution to the internationalization of higher education, and is a welcome addition to the resources available on this topic.
Laura Howard, President, European Association for International Education
Table of Contents
Allan Goodman, Institute of International Education (IIE)
Dorothea Rüland, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Clare Banks, Institute of International Education (IIE)
Karin Norton, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Birgit Siebe-Herbig, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Current Trends in Strategic International Partnerships
Matthias Kuder, Freie Universität Berlin
Clare Banks, Institute of International Education (IIE)
Defining Strategic International Partnerships: Models of Implementation
Beyond the Initial Partnership: A Framework for Classifying Partnerships as a Means to Strategize Comprehensive Internationalization
Thy Yang, St. Cloud State University
Shahzad Ahmad, St. Cloud State University
Robert H. Lavenda, St. Cloud State University
James H. Robinson, St. Cloud State University
Kyounghee Seo, St. Cloud State University
Strategic Relationship Development: A German-U.S. University Case Study
Kate Mattingly Learch, University of North Florida
Steven K. Paulson, University of North Florida
Harald Sander, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Elke Schuch, Cologne University of Applied Sciences
From Historical Roots to Modern-Day Results: Technische Universität Darmstadt and Tongji University’s Bi-lateral Strategic Partnership
Corinna Caspar-Terizakis, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Susanne Bieker, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Peter Cornel, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hubert Heinelt, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Kamil Klonecki, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Martin Wagner, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Kai Wißbrok, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Hermann Winner, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Partnership Management: Initiating, Expanding, Ending, Evaluating
New Roles, New Structures: How Does a Global Affairs Office Keep Pace?
Mike Proctor, University of Arizona
Transatlantic Strategic Partnerships: Differences and Common Ground for Collaboration
Sara López Selga, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona
Managing Strategic Partnerships – The Experience of Freie Universität Berlin
Matthias Kuder, Freie Universität Berlin
Herbert Grieshop, Freie Universität Berlin
A Positive Breakup: Managing a Soft Landing with Strategic International Partnership Termination
Anthony J. Shull, Marian University, Indianapolis
Partnering for Global Impact: Planning and Evaluating Successful International Partnerships
Jessica Gallagher, The University of Queensland
Geoff Bianchi, The University of Queensland
Stakeholder Management: The Key to Successful Partnerships
Strategic International Partnerships: The University Leadership Point of View
Alvaro Romo, International Association of University Presidents
Stakeholder Engagement for Successful International Partnerships: Faculty and Staff Roles
Douglas Proctor, University of Melbourne and the International Education Association of Australia
Faculty Engagement as Stepping Stones to Partnering with India: An HBCU Perspective
Joti Sekhon, Winston-Salem State University
Robert Anderson, Winston-Salem State University
Rose Sackeyfio, Winston-Salem State University
Fostering Strategic Partnerships: The Critical Role of NGOs in Partnership Development
Joanna Regulska, University of California, Davis
Bernie Burrola, U.S. – Indonesia Joint Council
Multi-lateral Models: Global Consortia and Networks
Joining Forces in Facing European Challenges: The CARPE Consortium on Applied Research and Professional Education
Marlies Ngouateu-Bussemaker, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Anu Härkönen Turku University of Applied Sciences
Vesa Taatila, Turku University of Applied Sciences
Ralf Behrens, Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg
Chris Fox, Manchester Metropolitan University
Juan-Miguel Martínez-Rubio, Universidad Politècnica de València
Javier Orozco-Messana, Universidad Politècnica de València
Fostering Strategic Multilateral Networks with Universities in Eastern Europe
Monika Wingender, Justus Liebig University Giessen
Peter Haslinger, Herder Institute Marburg
Iskander Gilyazov, Kazan Federal University
Global Networks: Helping or Hindering Strategic Partnerships?
Sorin Cucu, LaGuardia Community College, CUNY
Jeffrey Peck, AKA / Strategy
Angela Ittel, Technische Universität Berlin
Tapping into National Funding Opportunities: Challenges and Policy Recommendations
Ursula Lehmkuhl, University of Trier
Equality, Ethics, and Culture in Higher Education Partnerships
Mutual Benefit in a Globalizing World: A New Calculus for Assessing Institutional Gain Through International Academic Partnerships
Susan Buck Sutton, Bryn Mawr College
Innovation-based Strategies for International Partnership Building in Higher Education: The Panama Model
Darío Solís Caballero, Texas Tech University
Patricia Bennett Solís, Texas Tech University
Emerging Priorities: Strategic Planning and Dealing with Ethical Dilemmas
Robin Matross Helms, American Council on Education
Faculty Experiences of International Partnerships: Perspectives from South Africa
Naureen Madhani
Academic Partnerships and International Development
Universities Meeting Local Needs in Strategic Partnerships: The Integrated Cooperation Model
Riikka Hälikkä, Diaconia University of Applied Sciences
Effectiveness and Complexity in Development-Focused Higher Education Partnerships
Peter McEvoy, Dublin City University Business School
Malcolm Brady, Dublin City University Business School
Ronnie Munck, Dublin City University
Mary Goretti Nakabugo, Twaweza East Africa
AMPATH: A Strategic Partnership in Kenya
Ian S. McIntosh, Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis
Eunice Kamaara, Moi University