Graduate International Research Experiences
IIE-GIRE (Graduate International Research Experiences) is a fellowship program that offers funding to doctoral engineering students to conduct innovative research abroad for 3 – 5 months.
IIE-GIRE is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant no 1829436.
For the third cycle of the program (January – September 2021), up to 15 U.S. PhD candidates will be funded to spend 3 to 5 months abroad, conducting innovative research and creating ties between their home and host institution. Awards will include funding that will go towards the students’ international travel and living stipend (for 3-5 months abroad), health insurance, visa fees, and a small fund for educational materials. In addition, each student’s home campus faculty adviser will receive $2,000 to help support their own travel to the research site abroad to visit their student, or for other relevant activities to support internationalization of home campus graduate programs.
IIE will also provide several enrichment webinars for the selected grantees, focused on Critical Topics in International STEM Education and Policy & Professional Development (academic and non-academic career paths).
IIE-GIRE Statement on COVID-19
We are aware of the uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic may have on Fellows’ travel and related program plans. The IIE-GIRE team is committed to the safety of each of our Fellows and to working flexibly with them to adjust to changes in travel restrictions, safety in home or host country, and Fellow health. We encourage all applicants to plan their application with the assumption that they will travel to their host institution and remain there for their planned period. Should circumstances require adjustments, the IIE-GIRE team will work with Fellows on a feasible alternative.