Emergency Student Fund
IIE’s Emergency Student Fund (ESF) provides grants to international college students in the U.S. when natural disasters, war, or other crises threaten their education. Many face financial pressure to return home or drop out because their family circumstances have changed dramatically. IIE helps these students cover essential needs, including basic living expenses. We are a critical resource for students in crisis when they have no other safety net. Since 2010, IIE has awarded over 3,000 ESF grants, providing over $8.5 million in critical support to students from around the world.
At this time, the Emergency Student Fund is not accepting nominations; this page will be updated when a new round opens.
Visit the Current Funding Efforts page for more information.
The Institute always welcomes additional contributions for the Emergency Student Fund so it can respond quickly to help international students when disasters and emergencies in their home countries threaten to jeopardize the completion of their studies. We thank you for your interest in supporting students in times of crisis, and appreciate your donation.
Emergency Grants
In response to specific emergencies, IIE will issue a call for nominations to the Emergency Student Fund to IIENetwork members in the United States. Emergency grants are awarded to post-secondary international students matriculated at accredited U.S. educational institutions whose sources of support have been impacted by natural disaster or other crises.
Nomination Process
Students must be nominated by their U.S. host institutions. When possible, host institutions are encouraged to provide additional emergency assistance, such as housing, meal plans or tuition waivers. The combined help of IIE and the U.S. host institution enables students who are facing the risk of dropping out of their degree program prematurely to continue their studies.
Donations Welcomed
Building on an initial Freeman Foundation designation of $2.5 million for emergencies involving students from East and Southeast Asia studying in the U.S., IIE has awarded more than 3,000 emergency grants, providing over $8.5 million in financial aid since 2010.